“We’ve gotta work-work-work-work-work to find those kids!!!” - Prince Harry
“We’ve gotta work-work-work-work-work to find those kids!!!” - Prince Harry
I’d like to think she was just lounging on the beach in a little bikini when one of her handlers reminded her of this reception. She picked up her stuff, strolled over to the tent where the gala was being held and handler informed her that maaaaybe a bikini wasn’t the most appropriate attire for a serious event like…
Gerrymandering happens at the state level. The state legislatures are overwhelmingly controlled by Republicans. But sure, probably Pelosi and Schumer’s faults.
Steve Bannon is the deadly space virus.
Since this is a Dirtbag, may I present a Dirtbag Extraordinaire
And fuck you TMZ.
Fuck you depp.
Well imo FF15 being good actually adds to the absurdity that is 2016.
Yes! Combat in the final game is exponentially better than it is in Duscae.
Jason. This review is phenomenal. One of the best things Kotaku has ever done. *slow clap*
Thanks for your thoughts. They’re appreciated.
I’m so exhausted.
No, I heard Steve Apocalypse is the shoo-in for DoD.
So this is the Darkest Timeline?
If nothing else 2016 is hard proof of the multiverse. You know some other universe got Hillary and is breathing a sigh of resigned relief right now.
This is a terribly written dirtbag. First of all, why the snark for Kristin Davis? Are you serious right now? This is a mother genuinely and articulately concerned for her black daughter. And secondly, the Kardashians were set to go to that dinner before Kanye was committed. In fact, Kim was in midair when she…
Geez, this sneering at poor Charlotte there really doesn’t seem warranted. She’s a mom. She’s scared for her kid. She has good reason to be scared for her kid. Are we supposed to be laughing at her? This isn’t funny.
If the tone you were going for in the Kristin Davis section was total asshole, you really nailed it.
I like what Kristin had to say. It’s all exactly right. Take note other interracial adopters. Best of luck to her and her baby girl.
Is this level of vitriol towards Sex and the City chick really warranted? I dunno, I just heard a mom talking about her kid...