
She’s already been investigated several times. Those are what proved how baseless the accusations are. When there isn’t even enough evidence to recommend a charge to bring it to trial, it’s a load of horseshit already.

I have a love/hate with NPH. He is super talented, but he also knows how super talented he is and just seems so smug about it.

Yeah I don’t really get the hate but I’ll take pretty much anyone over Fallon, Kimmel, Ellen or Neil Patrick Harris. They get to host way too many award shows. Corden’s fine, but I won’t be watching anyway so why do I even care.

Same!! I feel like she comes from a more restrained school of acting. She says a lot with just a little sometimes. A lot of male actors do this and none of them get shit.

I loved her in Silver Linings Playbook.

Watching Rick Ross hit on Martha Stewart was not a thing I knew I needed until I had it, and it is PERFECT.

He surrounds himself with the devastatingly incompetent, the homicidally bigoted, people celebrated by literal Nazis, he lost the popular vote, he runs crying to mommy at the slightest rebuke from anyone, continues to conduct business while receiving top secret briefings, wants to wipe out overtime pay laws, has his

We sure did avert a disaster, huh? Who knows what she could have done with her emails in office, right? Whew!

I know. Washington Post has a story about the Clinton email controversy on their home page right now. I’m so glad this important issue will get some attention, because it’s not like the election news coverage was the equivalent of a strobe light flashing “EMAILS” every other second.

I rest easy at night, knowing that the right server is being used. All is well with the world.

Everything he does is an example of a reason why his idiots hate Hillary Clinton, despite most of those reasons being bullshit.

By a GOP House? Ha!

well at the very least, he didn’t use the wrong email instead of the right email, so.

A white woman making fun of another white woman is not racist. Xenophobic, maybe. Not racist.

Was Gigi Hadid’s Melania Trump impression “racist”?

This billboard has gone up in Tokyo’s Shibuya... “FF Is Coming Out

Follow-ups: how much is this going to cost us as taxpayers? And how much is this going to cost Midtown businesses?

Some people think it’s cool to not pay attention in school. Anti-intellectualism has always been popular, but it’s becoming worse now with Fuckface von Clownstick. Others went to crap schools and/or are dumb

On Friday, Tequila tweeted photos of herself at a private, alt-right D.C. dinner

We call that Freedom Foam.