I fucking dare the NRA assholes to say the problem is people in Texas don’t have free enough access to guns. I FUCKING DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU.
I fucking dare the NRA assholes to say the problem is people in Texas don’t have free enough access to guns. I FUCKING DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU.
It’s a bold strategy, Magic!
I love this place. I’ve been here for years and I intend to be here no matter what happens. This whole thing just makes me ill. I feel legitimately nauseous.
I am looking forward to Madam President but I am really going to miss Obama. Such a dignified man. Proud to have him as my President.
If an Internet comment hurts someone’s pride so much they will risk a republican in the White House, well then let's just say that it explains a lot.
I would make fun of anyone who got a tattoo of any presidential candidate. It’s fucking stupid even if they win.
I’ve never seen this one. The gentle stroking of the neck, the eyes gazing down...it’s the start of a smutty novel. Or fanfiction. Amazing.
He’s just not my type! And he needs to keep that gross mouthguard IN HIS DANG MOUTH. Spit everywhere, yuck!
If she dies in Braavos, then the whole thing has been a massive waste of time. Even though she’s gut-stabbed (or perhaps only believes herself to be gut-stabbed) there’s no point in her going across the sea to train just to never reconnect with the main plot line again.
“and that he will “never be his happy go lucky self [sic]” again.”
I remember the day (as a wee one of no more than 5) my adult neighbor and I had this exchange
Close the comments. You win.
This should have a tag along the lines of ‘advice for the emotionally stunted’. Because those of us who learned that ‘people can have different personality traits from myself and yet not suck’ a while ago aren’t really the target audience.
While tragic, the loss of this gorilla, we also slaughter one million chickens per day, so we can shove cheap meat into our fat faces.
It is literally the same idea as renting a beach house for a week or something. I don’t understand why people think AirBnB is so weird or gross. The ones I’ve stayed at, it’s not like all their personal shit is lying around for you to snoop through.
You did it!
Also, 18 year olds are the worst?????????
“Trump puts himself in a position to answer questions.”