

God I loved his character. Casting Jenny as his sister was pretty brilliant. First onscreen siblings who I truly bought.

The thing that’s wrong is that none of the umbrellas work. If the Jesus umbrella kept out the rain then there’d be no need for any others underneath.

Yeah this is scientology 101. I highly recommend a book on critical thinking for all the members. If you are going to go in for a scam about empowering women at least go with a female guru.

Cults have many different parameters. This article could have had your side of the story included. Can you explain why you didn’t want to respond?

I just want to point out that you started off by saying the women who say SSM is a cult are“fucking crazy” and then proceeded to write a 10 thousand word single paragraph incoherent ramble.

Protip: paragraph breaks will make it seem a bit less like you’re in a cult.

“International” is clearly inappropriate with an overly prurient interest in the sexual activities of his members.

I’m starting to wonder if these comments are all being produced by a machine. They sound identical. And the code clearly doesn’t allow for paragraph breaks...

I want to know why all the women in this group who have written here all sound like valley girls.

I’ve read your entire comment, and the only thing I got out of it is that Superstar Machine is even more sexist than the article depicted. Thanks for the insight!

Hi Princess Superstar! I’m sorry you chose not to respond to my email requesting comment but happy to see you here!

White Boomer men are a lost cause for Democrats. The ones who are willing to vote D don’t need to be pandered to, the ones who want to be pandered to will never vote D, they just feel entitled to the attention.

“Make America Fair Again”? When was that magical time that America was fair?

Do religious Americans want fairness? Yes.

internalized misogyny is a hell of a drug

The headline/photo synergy here is probably the best thing that’s going to happen to me today. Bless you.

Goodbye. I have perished from the stupidity of this article. I’ve loved you all.

Didn’t realize a member of the Warriors was posting here! You and the boys really guarded Lillard well in the fourth.