
Can someone explain why all the happiness around here because they’re engaged?? I don’t get it :/

While in principle I love student protests... I guess I’d be more thrilled if they proposed a more interesting alternative. I mean Columbia has one of the most prestigious MFA programs in the world, it’d be nice to see a more ambitious conclusion than “it’s ugly, take it away.”

Why would you do this

So the MORAL thing to do is take a mother away from her child that is actually a living, breathing person on this earth.

Worst. Housemates. Ever.

Reminder: when you say you are against feminism, then you are simply saying you do not believe women should be equal to men.

He looks like the son of Jesse Camp.

I feel like their decision to release her name is telling.

No, they haven’t. She’s been with them four years, and they were told at the outset (and repeatedly thereafter) that she was not adoptable and that family reunification was the goal of her case. As responsible fosters they should have put her interests before their own by trying to facilitate that reunification in a

I like how the GOP bragged about its “deep bench”, yet this election cycle is mainly noteworthy for outright racism and childish insults.

Not only all of THAT but...

I’d take their piles of money but having to be terrified of ever having a wrinkle or extra ounce of fat is a terrible way to live, IMHO. I mean, good for them, they’ve obviously succeeded tremendously. And I am all about eating real, organic, not-overly processed food. Don’t get me wrong, I love quinoa and tons of

tom cant eat those things because heis in fact a fancy dog

I was a little upset when you ended the article without finding out what you would eat for breakfast.

Yeah Ted, treating people like criminals and second class citizens won’t radicalize anyone. Oppressing people is always the answer.

Wanna know how it’s clear that they view “woman” as a liability/insult? Because they’d never say “I don’t see Sanders/Trump/Kasich, etc. as a man, I see him as strong, competent, etc.” No, that would be an insult.

Yep. The majority of the retractions aren’t “I was raped, jk just said that for fun!”... they might be more like, “I was raped, now I’m ostracized in this small town, my parents think I’m sullied and dirty, and I’m getting harassed by people who think it’s impossible that the rapist could do such a thing.”

“ Things just went too far and someone got scared”

Hmm I’m surprised Karen Finney isn’t on Hillary’s list of highest-paid staffers, unless she’s technically a consultant or something?