Republican party to Trump: “please remove your gaping maw from our dog whistle. You’re getting spittle on it."
Republican party to Trump: “please remove your gaping maw from our dog whistle. You’re getting spittle on it."
This would be quite effective were it not for the fact that “women: you have to treat them like sh*t” is the subtext for the entire Republican party.
Super unpopular opinion- I really don’t like legalizing prostitution because of the commodification of (mostly) female bodies. I think if it was a small scale with women having total control over being paid for what they decide on, it would be different. But, it’s not. For the most part, when prostitution is legal,…
Couldn’t it be that more women are hesitant to endorse a practice - legality aside - where they are especially vulnerable to the violence of human males?
I think my big fear right now would be that with the way anti-women sentiment is flowing, that if prostitution was legalized fully then there would be a lot more middle lass women finding themselves put on the street or being sold around by their husbands. I don’t think women who work in the sex industry should be…
It might be the image that people conjure in their heads. For example, someone might think of prostitution as a woman/man performing sex on their own free will for their own profit. But someone else might think of trafficking victims. From the article, I’m guessing women are more likely to think of the ugliest…
Yeah that guy seemed a little questionable... if the only way you can tolerate spending time with your kids is getting high every day that’s a problem. We’d judge a dad who got drunk every day and was drunk around his kids all the time, so I fail to see how being high around them is better.
This was my exact thought. It is shocking and disgusting that they would pass something that will be shot down by the Court in short order. I can’t even imagine the kind of person you must be to not only go on record supporting this law, but to focus so hard on passing this over the host of actual real issues that…
It’s time to quit acting like all the crazy garbage viewpoints have some validity. They don’t, these crackpots need to be put in their place, NO MORE ENABLING THESE LUNATICS.
This is a video Michael Scott would make if he were Governor.
If you’re stupid enough to ask such a dumb question, the answer for you is no, because you’ve demonstrated that you have the social IQ of a grapefruit and would be incapable of doing it respectfully. Men who think “don’t ask your coworkers out” is a reasonable guideline for the sake of making women feel safe at work…
From the shirt’s slogan, I have gathered a few things,
I saw the pic of Jon Stewart before I scrolled down and saw your last comment, and my train of thought led me to “HOLY SHIT, JON STEWART IS RUNNING?”
“I’ve wanted to be involved in the campaign, if you will, as a bit of a referee,”
*sits back and waits for mitten to explain what Trump’s policies actually are?*
Mitt calling Trump a fraud and a phony? Pot, kettle, black, Mittens. You’re as much an empty suit who got by on his father’s connections as any other establishment Republican.
The Slot is pretty much the only reason I stick around at this point. I miss Lindy West, too.
I was waiting all day yesterday for Jezebel’s take on this story.