
It’s from John Oliver. He pointed out that Drumpf is his real name (which makes Trump a hypocrite for telling Jon Stewart to use his real name, and also sounds a lot less cool than Trump) and he made a Chrome extension that changes Trump to Drumpf (I have it on, and that’s literally the reason my headline showed up

Someone needs to up either their marshmallow toasting game or their fire game. Most likely you need more patience. Properly golden toasted marshmallows are God’s gift to man.

this is a bad take

Wayne Gretzky is in fact alive today.

She demonstrated knowledge that what she was doing was wrong, would cause his family to hate her and for the police to come after her. Even in the presence of serious psychological issues which I would argue are not evident here, this ability to discern right from wrong prevents her from using the insanity defense.

Yeah, I find that opinion morally reprehensible. Obviously Hillary is to the right of Bernie, but she’s not racist troll who wants to commit war crimes. Like, wtf is wrong with people?!?

You reap what you sow. Trump acts like 90% of republicans I know. He represents the party better than anyone else. Anyone who thinks he doesn’t is lying or fooling themselves. A party that actually cared about small government, freedom of religion, gender equality and racial equality wouldn’t try to pass the kind of

This was arguably one of his best episodes he’s done, and it’s a shame to say that because spending this much time on an asshole like Drumpf is akin to putting your hand in a meat slicer.

Who are these people?

You’re not alone. He’s the worst of the worst, a conscienceless power-seeker draped in the cloak of the ideologue.

This guy is scarier than Trump to me.

if I’m elected president, on the very first day in office, I intend to instruct the U.S. Department of Justice to open an investigation into Planned Parenthood and to prosecute any and all criminal conduct by that organization.”

They don’t hover. Stop calling them “hoverboards.”

(holds up internet comment menacingly) “Where did you get the idea that you could diagnose somebody with minimal information and suspect qualifications?” “I learned it by watching YOU, O.K.?!”

His entire physical being screams High Blood Pressure: old, out of shape, eats badly, resting ruddy complexion turns redder/oranger with strain. He’s a heart attack/stroke waiting to happen.

I think I would have the smallest modicum of respect for these douches if they stopped pretending to apologize and just OWNED their terribleness, ya know?

He can’t even handle that sometimes. Just look at the crying fit over being asked questions at debates. That’s being TALKED to! What’s he going to do when faced with actual foreign policy problems in office? Punch Putin? File a lawsuit against ISIS?

I’ve never understood people who want their elected leaders to be as dumb as they are.