
Yikes. I mean, I guess there are ways for the body to become dismembered at sea. It seems unlikely, but I guess it’s possible. From the beginning, the fact that he sank his own sub said to me that he did something pretty evidently terrible inside and that he was attempting to destroy a crime scene he knew he had no

When I think of self-sacrifice to your country, I tend to think of military service where someone gives their lives or limbs or peace of mind for their country. I don’t think of having to divest but still being mega-rich as sacrifice but I’m jot a rich so I don’t understand their struggle

My comment isn’t fair, actually. Marie Antoinette had class and actually wasn’t the shallow spoiled tart society made her out to be. Linton tho...

#PowderedWigs #SilkShoes #Cake #PoorsAreJustJealous

Wtf is wrong with everyone in this administration and public service? First Zinke’s wife is live-tweeting their exotic Greek vacation and now Linton is bragging about her private taxpayer expensed jet and designer clothes? He’s worth $500 million but couldn’t pay for a private jet or 1st class but had to ride off

Either as an individual earner in taxes OR in self sacrifice to your country?

I agree. They’re going too fucking fast and because of it, there are too many holes. Too many things that aren’t believable.

Everything Bannon does is calculated, including that bizarre interview. I think a GOP civil war is exactly what Mr. Chaos wants. :/

My (overvalued) $.02:

This is window dressing, a meaningless gesture to appease ‘traditional Conservative Republicans’ and the Generals.

Bannon will say he will continue to support the Circus Peanut’s agenda, early Redditors/Breitfarters will be mad initially but briefly, and the bullshit will continue.

That message was perfectly targeted at the gut of the Trump base. These men were literal losers.

You know, if he sees this, it’s going to be the official Presidential portrait.

Only four nice ones, anyway.

In his head it probably played out like a movie with Ms Bro stopping the funeral and telling everyone to be quiet so they could all huddle around the phone adoringly listenening to Trump

Who could have predicted that the president, when given 140 characters to describe a woman who died defending her city from fascists that the adjectives he would use would begin with “beautiful” and not include “brave” or “strong” or “principled” or “righteous”? Oh, everybody could have predicted that? Oh. Okay.

Someone posted this elsewhere, which I thought was particularly apt here

This is the only way to stop a narcissistic abuser; cut off the attention. When they can’t engage you they go banana-bonkers. They thrive off of the energy of battle, arguments, fights, squabbles. But if you refuse to engage? They meltdown like a popsicle in July.

People who watch Netflix all day. Do these people know that, like, there’s a whole world that exists not on their couch?

It’s because he has so much of his finite energy saved from never exercising. All that energy we waste moving around? He saved it, painstakingly, for 70 years so he could eat sub-par greasy chicken in bed. Probably saves more energy by shitting the bed.

And what does she mean by “not welcome here?” When has the rainbow flag represented “not welcome here?” Though I suppose to a homophobe it means ‘not welcome here” but not really? I dunno...too much stupid to consider.

But you know what’s really interesting and really incredible irony here is the same people that are demanding that the Confederate flag comes down are the same people that are insisting that the rainbow flag goes up. These two flags represent the exact same thing.