
Full! It’s Full Self Driving! I don’t understand why it’s so hard to grasp. All you need to do is sit back and relax and be far more alert and attentive that you would be while driving the car yourself as it fully drives itself.

the chinese have been working on that for about a decade at this point

Then why don't base models and economy cars have them?

It’s called the Kia Niro EV. I’m really happy with mine.

I don’t know who I heard say it, but they said it best, “Employers love to talk supply and demand until it comes to labor.”

When I listen to something on my phone I use old headphones that I have since high school when I would use them with my discman (gawd, I’m getting old). During the years they’d occasionally end up tucked away in some boxes when moving or get lost somewhere in the drawer of my desk so I had to use a substitute for a

What’s crystal clear is that the surest fire way to get people to buy more efficient vehicles is to increase the cost to operate less efficient vehicles (i.e. raise the price of gas).

These poor, deluded turds only “thrive” when surrounded by people exactly the same as them.

In fairness, those assholes are specifying “your” feelings, not feelings in general; they are very much invested in continuing to privilege even the most inconsequential of their own.

And the wind.  I carried a 2 by 3 plastic shelf unit from Menards in my NA miata.  I had to get off the highway and do surface streets--the wind on the shelf unit sticking up, way up, was trying to blow it out of the car.

Gimme that NA Miata! Headlights go up... headlights go down... headlights go up...

I mean, that kid rolling coal just killed people so them making a joke about it is pretty shitty. I get that Texas is full of sociopaths and pieces of shit, but still. 

I was about to ask, did the science class determine the mass of turbate?

College teachers in most disciplines are happy when their students have had more rather than less exposure to the subject before they reach college. Not in history. History professors in college routinely put down high school history courses. A colleague of mine calls his survey of American history “Iconoclasm I and

Why is shepherd’s pie made with beef anyway? Shouldn’t something with that name be made of mutton? Or wolf?

“...I don’t have to make white kids feel bad for being white.”

Dismiss the idiot troll.

A 200hp car can do 116 as well. This isn’t about the horsepower, but more about the idiot doing 116 in a 30. More bureaucratic red tape because somebody didn’t follow the current laws isn’t going to change with new laws. 

Oh man, now I’m going to have to ask my friends with kids in public school if this is still served!

I was well into my 20s, I think, when I realized the shepherd’s pie I had in HS was not what one would call a traditional shepherd’s pie: One ice cream scoop of ground meat, topped with one ice cream scoop of mashed potatoes. Still, not bad!
But I’ve made up for the years of being lied to about shepherd’s pies by