No, I don’t think so, but I drove it to 240,000 miles, then sold it as-is for $100 to a guy so he could part it out.
Yet Pontiac could have made that model of the Firebird yet uglier. All they would have had to do is put that ribbed plastic cladding along the sides, like they did to so many other models in their tireless effort to make The Ugliest Cars on Earth.
I’m a 66 year old guy. That looks like something I’d like to wear in cooler weather. But under no circumstances would I call it a “shacket.”
What the Hell are they doing out on the runway?
He should have told the cops his bike was stolen by a guy wearing a “Black Lives Matter” tee-shirt. They’d have chased down and beaten the thief half to death, and sure, they’d also have destroyed the bike in the process, but hey, revenge!
This was back when I first started reading Road & Track. When my mother went to the supermarket I’d make a bee-line to the magazine rack, where there were three titles I was most interested in: Motor Trend, Car & Driver, and Road & Track. MT and C&D mainly wrote about the products of Detroit. Road & Track was my…
I used to be able to do this when my car’s windows were raised and lowered by a crank handle. The accuracy, the precision with which I could set my window height was phenomenal.
Me being a guy who retired last year, I suppose this is true for me, but I don’t think it applies to all the men who still have jobs.
The RF is gorgeous from the outside, but go to a Mazda dealer and sit in one with the top down, and you’ll note a blind-spot problem. If I were buying an ND I’d definitely get the ragtop, for the more airy sensation and better visibility. And if I lived in a place with snow and felt like I had to get a retractable…
One time I had to take a flight at 7:00 AM and I decided that I couldn’t use my regular airplane cure for severe fear-of-heights, which was plenty of booze, because I would be a hung-over zombie for the entire rest of the day. So I gritted my teeth and clutched the armrest and sweated for the first fifteen minutes of…
The last paragraph of your post appears to indicate that you think the U.S.A. has a health care system that, relative to the health care systems of every other developed country in the world, efficiently delivers adequate service at a reasonable price. Of course, every part of that is grossly untrue. The U.S. health…
Did Chappelle really say “Gender is a fact!” Now that’s funny!
If they get those in their inventory, I would consider renting one, because I’m curious as to what a Model 3 is like to drive, and as you know Tesla dealers don’t let mere randos like me wander in off the street and test drive their cars just to satisfy our curiosity.
Should you get tested for COVID before you get a booster? You may think, “That’s absurd, certainly you would know if you had caught COVID.” But you may have come down with a “breakthrough“ case, which, due to the fact you had been vaccinated, caused relatively minimal symptoms.
I just realized why white parents in hick states are so opposed to teaching their public-school kids about the history of race relations in the U.S. It’s not, as Dr. Rice absurdly suggests, that the kids are going to come home and say, “I learned about the Ocoee Massacre in school today, it was obscenely indefensible,…
“Root for the virus.” Step the fuck back, will ya? I mean, sure, ACAB, but my sister has a rare, genuine medical condition that makes doctors strongly advise her against getting the vaccine, and she lives in a county in Florida where 40% of the mouth-breathing rubes not only refuse the vaccine for…
I’m wondering if maybe one reason Ford isn’t selling electric trucks to fleets is that you can’t get any cars of any kind anywhere in the U.S. these days, except top-of-the-line models with extortionate dealer markups, so fleet managers are all putting off new purchases until the market goes back to normal.
Ha ha, no, being a science-lab nut I might have done it but the rest of the kids were afraid to touch it! And I did go to school in Pinellas County (Dunedin Hi-Skool Class of ‘72, go Falcons!). So it must have been a local thing.