
Totally unnecessary and cruel reply. So is every white person a rapacious enemy? You know nothing about this man and what privilege he may or may not have. And then you proceed to judge him based on the “activites” of his peer group? You sure you want to do go there? I live in a city with tons of car break-ins and

The fact that you didn’t read past “I’m a middle aged white guy” and thus, see “I know this is anecdotal’ highlights your whole self-sercing and righteous rant easily ignorable. I’d pay you on the back but your hand is in the way 🤔


We pigeon-hole ourselves and perpetuate perceived stereotypes. I live close to locally-popular hiking trails & see so many people of color hiking on a regular basis. Thank god we haven’t heard of this out here in Palos Verdes CA. We see these perceived racial differences when in actuality the core differences are

Could the spiders have already had the genes necessry and they just “switched on” when the new habitats became available? Or would they have been more closely related to each other if that were the case?

The antagonism coming from nowhere.

From my understanding, they eventually shut em down and opened up shops. Small business owners.

I’m still waiting for the “well regulated militia” part.

“Science”? In my house, that’s $1 for the swear jar

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

I wash my legs because I pee in the shower.

umm yes it illegal. The police can still shoot you if you have a gun in your hand pointed it toward them permit or not. The shooting in the OKC was the cops fault,but Im reserving judgement on this one.

Uh, no, you’re not right on that, either - I’m female. Asian even! Who are you, the lesson-giver? Why were you screaming at someone who never even said what you accused them of saying? You called me out? I never even fucking used the word and now you’re assigning it to me. Christ, as the other dude already said, you

“You know they call corn-on-the-cob ‘corn-on-the-cob,’ right? But that’s how it comes out of the ground, man. They should call that ‘corn,’ and they should call every other version ‘corn-off-the-cob.’ It’s not like if you cut off my arm you would call my arm ‘Mitch,’ but then reattach it and call it

...ah yes, that’s right. But isn’t he an Egyptian who has been living in Spain for quite some time or something? Can’t remember, haven’t seen the movie since it was in cinemas.

Actually, Sean Connery’s character in that film is Egyptian and he uses a Japanese sword. Cultural appropriation!

In Highlander, Frenchman Christopher Lambert plays a Scotsman, while Scot Sean Connery plays a Spaniard.

I wish men would stop saying this. We don’t have value because of our relationships with men - we are people with worth no matter whether we’re related to you or not. Instead of thinking, “what if this happened to my wife/sister/mother/daughter” try thinking “what if this happened to me.” Because that is what we think

If people would just pay the $20 for their oversized roller when they also have a backpack and a laptop case/purse, then this wouldn’t be a problem. Also, if it’s on wheels and you can’t lift it to the overhead compartment, then it’s not a F$%#&^G carry-on.

(I used to board at the last possible minute and now get on