
The difference is that those priceless paintings retain their value and can be resold later. With this, it truly is wasted money for vanity, as there is nothing to ever resell and get your money back.

Limited government, is all you care about, really? Do you even know what that means or what some of the limited government types have done when they get into office? Just look and the US house and Senate, they are the best example of limited government, because they do nothing. And they do nothing because they say

  1. Take the money and get it fixed.

Glad to see House Romulan make an appearance on GoT.

So basically, to get into U of T you have to be in the top 10% of your class, which she was not, or have an excellent extracurricular resume, which she did not. It’s amazing/alarming that this case still made it to SCOTUS.

Definitely check with your provider though - if this ends up being a national thing, the labs will have to redo reference ranges. They might stick with the same reference ranges for a while. So do what the doc tells you too! Not Lifehacker!

Use the code

Use the code

Ignore the DeadpooliO guy. Or dismiss him. Literally every Kojima article with his bullshit.

sony: hey can you say fuck you to konami somehow

If you decide to play optician for a day and adjust your own glasses, keep a few things in mind:

I take your point, but chickens are bred for food and are not classed as critically endangered. This is an horrific loss for the breeding program of these beautiful intelligent creatures which will be felt all around the world. How on earth the child got into the enclosure really needs to be addressed. I feel for the

Currently there is no set end date. We’ve never run an exclusive like this before so it’s going to depend on how interested readers are.

Currently there is no set end date. We’ve never run an exclusive like this before so it’s going to depend on how

Maybe, but it might be nice to know what foods insist that they add a bunch of sugar when there isn’t a need to. It’s less of a health concern and more of an openness concern. If you eat a yogurt, you might assume that all the labeled sugars are entirely necessary in order for the yogurt to still be yogurt. That’s

“That’s not how you play hide the cigar...”

I ignored that because that’s literally the worst way to pay for a TV show. Game of Thrones alone is $3 an episode (judging by last year’s selection, could be more when it’s new). $4 for HD which, let’s be real, is what everyone wants anyway. That would be $40 for one season, which is already more than the $30 I’d pay

Darn I was hoping for an iron lung from getting polio instead.

I really, really, reeeeeeeally should get this done. And frankly, I should stop being allowed in public buildings until I have gotten it done because fuck if I know what immunities I have at this point.

You should NEVER use the fecal matter of carnivores - likes cats or dogs - in your compost. They can potentially carry harmful pathogens, bacteria, and parasites.