
Check the spare tire, too.  Chances are right now it’s totally flat.

You, know, to be honest unami is correct. The savings difference is minuscule in the short run and many will NOT notice a difference on their monthly bill. And the price IS high enough for many to put them off from the initial purchase. And this is coming from someone like myself who has replaced the many halogen can

There will always be troglodytes.

I honestly haven’t noticed a difference in my hydro bill. The entire house is all LED now, and has been for at least 5 years. I assume it’s because in that time, computers have demanded more energy, there are more devices in the house, and we’ve had a pandemic where we’re working from home 100%.

Even with your caveat that not everyone has $10k to squirrel away, it’s an understatement to say that it only ‘helps’ to be rich. It’s an absolute requirement. There’s a pretty base level of wealth (and family support) that you need to have to have $10,000 in cash laying around which is above and beyond a rainy-day

Freedom to live as whoever you want to be.

And I can’t even understand why anyone would want to live there in the the first place. 

7. Los Angeles

“Just remember that there’s no such thing as a bubble.”

Atheists aren’t hostile towards religion. They’ve made up their mind that there is no higher power. Most of them then stay quiet about it and let other people decide what they should believe because it’s a personal choice everyone should make for themselves. The few who go out and try to “convert” others give the rest

We’re not openly hostile, but we do get tired of the Christian bullshit after a while.

“Are you raising your children to be atheist or agnostic? Atheists are openly hostile towards religion. Agnostics just don’t believe in any god.”

The issue is the interest rate.  I took out my loans with the full intention of paying them back, and I’m a few years of low payments away.  But talking to a younger co-worker, his loans are at like 10%!!  That is outrageous for a boat loan much less tuition for college.  Gov’t backed loans should be interest-free or

Pfft. Take care of your furniture, and it’ll take care of you. Full stop.

I add glue to the surfaces that mate when assembling stuff from Ikea. It helps stabilize the join preventing movement, which is what kills that style of furniture. The joints are great, if they don’t move at all. Glue helps them not move.

I almost always carry a knife (Letherman Skeletool), *except* on vacation. Many places don’t allow knives, and I don’t want to risk having it confiscated, it is more of a burden than it is useful.

You made me reach over to the bottom of a drawer to grab my Famicom themed Micro...and the damn thing is still fully charged. Been sitting there for well over half a decade. FFVI Advance still in it.  Good to know there are replacement batteries for whenever this one decides to die.

You made me reach over to the bottom of a drawer to grab my Famicom themed Micro...and the damn thing is still fully

I would venture to say that the residents of the “most expensive American cities” make up a larger proportion of the American population than you would think, though. I mean, if you count the whole metro area (which I think you should as it all has a very high COL), the NYC area alone has like 6% of the population of

Yest, but what if it’s like a really nice box?

Holy shit.