Unfortunately, most of what you said is true
Unfortunately, most of what you said is true
Comingsoon, IGN and a lot of the folks at Rotten Tomatoes seem to love it
I haven't seen so many negative comments on this movie until I clicked on this post. Does this website attract angsty downers or is it just a coincidence? It is a new site to me
that movie isn't even history. It never happened and that's how most people like it. What a disgrace to the franchise that movie was.
I upvoted because of your comment but mostly because of your avi and username
where we're going, we don't need…bone claws
The only way that would have been interesting is if Rogue took over on sending back Logan and she struggled to keep him in the right time period or in his old self. He could have been fighting the Sentinel and then all of a sudden he'd have no clue what was going on and would make a decison based on no knowledge of…