
Yeah, that pseudo-trunk is ridiculous, but even more so, those tiny wheels probably inspired by a shopping cart ..

I normally despise flying commuter flights. Too many bad experiences to recall here, but I'll say this. I'd fly with that pilot in the Farnair flight any damned day of the week. (@ 1:46) Despite the usual 'bird farts over Portugal .. causes nasty crosswind at Kennedy' landing unsteadiness, the Farnair pilot obviously

... or following that line of logic, why don’t they just take a cab?

Quite true ... when the drugs wear off, there can be occasional brief moments of semi-brilliance.

If that clown was indeed a tailgater on the phone, then in my humble opinion, that's strike one and two ... What I found amazing is that this self important jerk who was totally absorbed in his own little world, still managed to locate and mash the brake pedal when the guy in front checked him. This would seem to

Feel free to buy the one that he's not buying, to add to your collection.

Missi Pyle has that non-typical gorgeousness that I first noticed in Julia Stiles. I am drawn to women like these two, primarily because they are attractive with few features that would place them in the usual crowd of typical beauties, but they pull it off BECAUSE of their quirky loveliness. Kudos to women who

You mean to tell me that 'Idiocracy' WASN'T a documentary?

Obviously, the swooners will all stand in formation for the 'beloved' Veyron, and you instantly caught on to the fact that I wasn't necessarily disputing all of your data, just suggesting that I was not prepared to become a fanboy of this particular machine nor was I particularly impressed by the huge compendium of

All very valid and redeeming points, I’m sure, but I’d still rather have myself duct taped naked into a rusty old wheelbarrow and be pushed off a bluff into the Pacific, than shed currency for the purchase of this 'not for every one' tinker toy. If I had enormous sums of wampum to draw upon, I would still think that

RainX apparently didn't remove the offending 'brown matter', but this incident may just spur on a new entrepreneur to develop a stronger solution and name it 'TurdX'...

... and one pushing! Funniest thing I've seen all day, but glad that this bunch were there to aid this driver and his rig. The cargo MUST get through!

I couldn’t agree with you more, mate. Helmet laws in my state are pretty strictly enforced. Splattered brain matter makes the highways slippery, but I take particular issue with the brain dead drones with an iPhone planted in their face while attempting to keep their vehicle between the curbs. I’ve been rear ended

“obvious argument as to why this type of “re-badging” is a horrible idea, and that is: it makes you look like an idiot."

Films like this may have had a beneficial effect in that era, but I doubt it would change the habits of the self involved turds driving and texting now, and these are the idiots that I hope are sitting on their seat belts. Natural selection may eventually weed out these drooling semi-primates.

Booze or drugs just increases the 'loser' capacity in your common everyday loser. Unfortunate that the SWAT team didn't just put a cap behind this moron's ear to prevent future acts of paranoid idiocy.

and that's a good thing ...

I'd guess that #2 is the strongest point here. In my state, I've seen 4X4's wrapped around various stationary objects off the road when the snows hit. Their aura of invincibility is quickly shattered when they encounter the mighty laws of physics.

I'll say this. The small city I live in has the most aggressive road crews on the planet, so the roads seldom reach the stage of 'life threatening' during the Winter months. Having said that, I usually tip the delivery dude/dudette around 50% year round. I've never had anything delivered that didn't arrive in

Heh heh ... Apparently some of your responders aren't particularly pleased with their current welfare status.