
I agree with approximately zero of this man’s policies. I thought his inflicting Sarah Palin on all of us was one of the worst political blunders of the last fifty years. I vigorously campaigned against him, and would do so still. But now that we have seen the depths of GOP hypocrisy, and the absolute vacuum of

The commercial litigator in me has many, MANY questions about their business arrangement.

It probably smells like a teen prostitute. And I’m so annoyed at her stupid bottle. What a blatant rip off of Jean Paul Gaultier.

Especially women-people.

Yeah, I found it quite harsh. We have a serious problem with acknowledging that people aren’t allowed to change their minds and also that people hold multiple feelings simultaneously.

Agreed, it sounds like Griffin had an understandable emotional response to an extreme situation and her feelings changed over time as she processed what went down. It was messy, and we watched it unfold in public and in real time. I’m not sure why she is being characterized as manipulative and calculating? It’s

I don’t understand the negative tone of this article. This woman got death threats, was investigated by the government, and had her career greatly curtailed for this one stunt. All of this backlash happened, and it was over the top. Why is she wrong and somehow dishonest for initially apologizing and then being like,

Not a big fan of Kathy, but she gave a pretty good Howard Stern interview a few weeks back and in that, at least, she did say that she does still feel sincerely apologetic towards the people who have been impacted by actual beheadings. She just thinks that 99% of the people who were outraged are not those people, and

The party of “Fuck Your Feelings” got their feelings fucked with.

Diana, the thing that strikes me so much about your pieces on Nassar, Cosby, etc, is how little of yourself we see in your writing. The trend (especially in the blogged news aggregate world) is to put so much of the writer’s personal opinions and reactions in that it’s equal content to the subject. I have nothing

It’s not a mischaracterization. You said it yourself: they want their kids, who already have every advantage, to continue to hoard privilege and deny upward mobility to those who have no advantages. They want to increase the gap between have (white) and have-not (non-white), simply based on arbitrary circumstance of

This is a separate tangent that rarely gets talked about. We already know that standardized tests have an inherit bias to them and now you have those who can afford to supplementing study efforts.

Good on the principal for directly calling the parents out on their BS.

Look out Camille, they are coming for your money you complicitous bitch.

Ivana was left with a rodent every time she have birth; Trump was not involved in their upbringing and his first hag was always being cheated on. After her divorce she moved on nicely and ran through Italian gigolos like a crack addict in a candy store. The woman is an ignorant, entitled misogynist. Of course she

A face only a mother could love

Absolutely nothing will make these toxic, caustic jackasses go away until this scenario plays out...

“Donald Jr. is a good-looking guy”