
Probably the best thing I’ve seen all week:

This article ought to be Exhibit A for anyone delusional enough to believe that racism is an exclusively Southern phenomenon.

Hmmm. Whataboutism it is!!!

all we want most rational people will admit they don’t want their daughters looking up to these celebrities as role models.

The only thing worse than Bernie Bros are Bernie Haters.

Prior to Bernie’s appearence, Gillum was down 20 points, just 2 weeks ago.

Ahhh, even when Bernie plays large part in a black man getting the nomination of a major party for the first time in Florida history, this site still hates him. Classic. 

Not just one, but THREE of them. THREE presumably reasonably able bodied adults against one 87 year old woman with dementia who was not acting threatening.

“An 87-year-old woman with a knife still has the ability to hurt an officer.”

Preface: I am not trying to excuse anything. I’m a graphic designer, and I’m offering a possible explanation as to why these things might be - or seem to be.

While I am not a 3d modeler myself (computer programmer instead) I have worked with 3d modelers and have put those models to use in mods for various games. I can tell you without a doubt that the color changes from scene to scene was not because someone went back and changed the color of Tiana’s skin. They are purely

So you’re admitting that it’s suspicious and are going to do what they would have you do anyway?

Hes not seeking re-election to congress. He’s currently about to primary for the dem slot to take state attorney general.

counter point

If everything she is saying is true I am sorry and hate to hear someone go through this. And as someone who has seen my mother go through this like her child has is heartbreaking.

Beyond that, thousands of Democratic voters who presumably would have voted for Gore—not that he was such a great candidate—were disenfranchised by two means: many voters in largely Democratic districts were removed from the voter rolls because they had names that were the same as or were similar to a list of

Ok, so what I’m hearing from people is, the Green Party can’t run for big offices first, they need to start small, and congress is too big apparently.

Again... Bye. I never asked you to stop and address me. My points are clear to the people that I made them to.