Unfortunately, having just tried recently to go back and watch the older Gundam series, they have NOT aged well.
Unfortunately, having just tried recently to go back and watch the older Gundam series, they have NOT aged well.
I would disagree with your assertion that the US doesn’t have a left.. it does.. but its a left without much of a voice.. (that’s being overshadowed by the right and the centrists trying to appeal to the right)..
This ought to show people exactly what Barrack is all about and who he represents. This wasn’t a mistake on his part, it was on brand.
Welp, that was probably the shortest-lived revolution and protest on record.
They probably meant that his state was one that would mirror someone who was high on methamphetamines next to a male escort that had OD-ed on methamphetamines.
If this were an episode of Empire, I’d have said they piled too much on for one show.
can you provide any screenshots of a Bernie supporter threatening to kill or dox you? i’m not saying it has never happened but i see people throw this around constantly and have never actually seen proof of it
The top .1% hold as much wealth as the bottom 90%. That sound like it’s working as intended to you? Trickle down my fucking ass. My father raised three children on a single blue collar salary with enough left over to take vacations, purchase new cars, and put away money for retirement. I am in my 40's, still paying…
This right here.
Basically what I hear from Warren is, “I’m telling you what you want to hear but will 100% walk it back as soon as I have to start fighting for those general election votes.”
Well that’s not true at all:
Wow Jason.
Interesting that CBS is now reporting that Harris is “cutting her entire field team in New Hampshire and all three field offices in the Granite State”... But whatever.
Yesterday’s article yesterday claiming Harris was strengthening her chance of victory by laying off half her hometown staff and basically putting her entire Risk army in Iowa was certainly amusing. A bold strategy, Cotton...
Thank you. He dropped a crowd-pleaser one-liner, but didn’t answer the question. Which really only has one answer, delivered by Sanders. Bernie could have been more empathetic but what else is he going to say - floor it and try to outrun the radio?
Perhaps because black voters, according to polling data at least, favor Joe Biden?
I think people are giving Biden too much credit for his answer to the question of what he’d tell his daughter. Aside from the soundbite, there wasn’t any substance to what he said. To tell a room full of black and brown people that institutional racism exists is stating the obvious. Promising to work to fix it is a…
These lists are literal proof that The Root is out of touch with real black people in America.
Sanders’ answer was “trash” because you were looking for a click-bait headline and excised a single sentence from a paragraph-length response. A response that’s little different than what black parents tell their kids. Any idiot calling him an “old racist” needs to wise up to the fact that Biden is only 2 years…
“What advice would you give to your teenage black son or daughter when dealing with police”.