If you do an update report please try to find her mugshot.. I would LOVE to see the look on her face.
If you do an update report please try to find her mugshot.. I would LOVE to see the look on her face.
How is this a “solution” though? I’m pretty sure that this bridge is completely burned. This is only a solution if she somehow now gets other better offers from other providers. I guess that’s possible but I’d be surprised.
Why wouldn’t they own all the rights to the special that they would have paid for? I don’t get that criticism. Regardless... I’m pretty sure that this bridge is now FULLY burned.
Well if it is THAT important to you then keep watching. But you don’t need a write up or an instruction manual on how not to watch something. It’s not a religion for everyone. I’ve been as big of fan as any but it is not that difficult for me to not watch a game. Once I stopped playing Fantasy football it was clear to…
Even without taking into account the concussions or other controversial players playing the NFL is mostly trash. There are only a few teams that are entertaining. If the team closest to your home is trash there is little to no incentive to watch any other teams. Ever since I quite playing Fantasy Football a while back…
Is this a legit question, or sarcasm? If serious then the answer is to push that button on the remote labeled ‘Power’. Or catch up on the thousands of other great TV shows that no one has time to watch through On-Demand or Netflix.
Thanks for confirming that those were not just directed at me. I was starting to wonder if I had something crazy in my browser/search history. Apparently here I will eventually be hypnotized to open a new bank account. I definitely prefer the dating ads.
Please add me. I am not a Kinja fan (I don’t get it). But I will try just for VSB. But not if I have to be in the grey forever.
I think everyone agrees to that what Usher did wasn’t cool. But it is possible that he didn’t know. Or that he did use protection and still somehow passed it. Even if he knew though, it doesn’t rise to the level of raping 50+ women or pedophilia. She could have done a whole other article talking about how screwed up…
The article would have been perfectly fine with just R. Kelly and maybe Cosby. I have no idea why the author felt the need to link in Usher and Kevin Hart with those other two who committed hideous crimes. That ruined the whole article for me. And it just seems like a play for more clicks rather than actually adding…
I don’t get it either. It’s kind of ridiculous. I don’t get this NEED to want to defend corporate and blue dog Democrats. Why because the Clinton name? Because Obama played the president role well? I don’t get why people would want to jump on one of only a few people actually fighting for middle and lower class…
Have you seen Washington’s defense? They would have at least 2 more wins if their defense didn’t suck. Games where Cousins threw for 300+ yards, multiple TDs and they still lost.
Thank you!! This explanation is the only reason that I came to the comments section.
I was going to say almost the exact same things you pointed out.. The best thing BY FAR is the security policies at the app level only. At a lot of companies if you want to connect to the corporate mail then they enforce stupid security policies that disable a lot of the coolest features of the phones like Face login…
What is there to get???.. They are wireless. They are easy to get to. They are easy to just let hang there. And the battery life is pretty much all day.. What else needs to be said? Some people could care less whether some random writer thinks they look cool or not.
Why would you use regular soap (Dove or otherwise) on your face? Maybe if you are a child that doesn't know better.. That's why there are thousands of different face soaps.. And most of the best ones are oil based... Because your skin has natural oils that it does not like losing when you use foaming soap.
The biggest (and really only problem) is the slowness of the PSN network.. It is ridiculously slow.. It does not matter how fast my ISP connection is because the connection to the PSN network is either super slow or down. I can not even stream the majority of the game trailers unless they are non-HD. Any HD trailer…
That's a whole other question... Is it easier to rent? Of course. But the article is about investments. Owning is an investment, good or bad... Renting is not.
Food is not an investment.. You could plant your own food.. But most people pay for the convenience of having someone else do it. And you are doing the same thing if you rent. Renters are paying all the same expenses that owners are paying. They are just paying them through a middle man; the landlord or management…
Don't you think the person that you are renting from has those same costs? Who do you think is paying for them? No one would rent if they could not make a profit.. Our at least pay the bank... So you are paying for all that stuff plus extra to pay to put your landlords kid's through college.