Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld

None of them get the Bowie reference at all .....

Haha. I wouldn't know, being in my forties and never having suffered that particular dilemma. But there is a whole contingent of folks out there in internet land who swear on it. Something about something something dopamine something highspeed extreme downloads something something surfing porn addiction epidemic.

They probably said that about airplanes once, and now look at them. Humans take off and lane, but the rest of the journey is driverless. They still have to constantly be monitoring the situation in case something happened. We've been doing it for decades and it works fine. That's the next step in semi-autonomous cars.

I'm not sure why people keep saying this. Other than being agonizingly slow drivers I've rarely had problems with the elderly. The worst drivers I encounter on a regular basis are young. They're impulsive and too arrogant to realize how incompetent they are.

How old are you ? 15 ? Where do you live ? America ? Do you understand how low is your IQ ? Imbécile.

I came to the comments expecting a massive shit show, but it looks like I'm early. I'll check again in the afternoon.

I love them all with all my heart, but I'm especially impressed that the used Chief O'Hara and (what looks to me like) Chris Reeve.

I don't know, I was disappointed by Kirkman's announcement that Daryl was straight- and I'm a straight woman who thinks he's damned sexy.

The thing is, I'm not disappointed that he's straight, just as I wouldn't have been disappointed if he were gay. Mostly, I'm just disappointed that Kirkman said anything at all.

My brain keep insisting that's waves in the foreground.


We don't spend insane amounts of money in the military so we have money to spare for cool things.

Well, it is Number 2,...


2. Marriage changes people.

As a complete outside reading about something on jezebel I am curious for more details, the author is neither my friend nor someone I know, so I'm assuming she isn't posting here for a pat on the back, but rather voicing an opinion. If a friend said they were getting a divorce I would be completely supportive and only

Plenty of people have replied that you should stop judging, but I don't think this was your intention.

"Please read my long piece on my divorce. Which is none of your business."

Can we switch places then? Almost no one I work with watches it and no one at my gym does either. They're all, "Did you catch the game last night?" And I'm all, "I don't even know which sport you are referring to."