I more meant upper-middle class types, obviously really rich people don’t care either way, they’ll get wherever they want to go in the utmost comfort.
I more meant upper-middle class types, obviously really rich people don’t care either way, they’ll get wherever they want to go in the utmost comfort.
I thought he had stopped making films, or was that Soderbergh ?
I’ve been having the same problem. I babysit my nephew frequently, and had been allowing him to use my old ipad to watch videos, because in my ignorance, I thought it would be fun for him to watch video clips of his favorite shows, or some toy reviews (what with Christmas coming up.)
If it’s not curated by humans it will never be appropriate for kids.
I’m...glad to hear this. I was not aware of their horrifying kids videos, but it’s good that...they’re...and...I, um...,...
I haven’t eaten Papa John’s since the ACA passed and that asshole came out and said he was going to put his workers on part-time so he wouldn’t have to provide health insurance.
It was “safe” in the sense that shady vendors and questionable product was flagged as such. You had to do your due diligence, but if someone was selling cut drugs or fake drugs they’d get called out by the community and usually leave the site. The argument can be made that people are going to do hard drugs regardless…
Sounds more like Church of Sociopaths, but whatever floats your boat I guess as long as it doesn’t bring harm to others.
incest is disgusting and wrong.
You mind explaining how it is abusive (and who exactly the abuser)? This isn’t a noticably older and more experienced family member abusing the generosity or naivete of their younger family member or some other form of family member asserting power. It is as far as I can tell 2 people of similar ages who mutually want…
Yeah, and what’s the deal with that anyway? I don’t quite understand the need to pair up characters in general, but it is also kinda strange that it’s exclusively homosexual ones. I know, it’s been underrepresented in the past, but geez.
It’s because of characters and strips like these that I cried so hard when Schulz passed. Say what you will about the commercialization of the brand or the way Snoopy’s character grew to be so invasive, but there’s always something else to counter-balance it and make Peanuts shine as the genius work that it is.
honestly, if they stopped updating the game right now, it would still be a perfect game to me. They can keep making small updates that dont really revamp the game im totally happy with that
Doesn’t anyone find the slightest insinuation that Rose has any connection to this problematic? A police officer dies and everyone side-eyes the black man from Englewood on the South Side of Chicago. Cool. Pay no mind to the officer’s other ongoing investigations into violent crime in a major metro area, or the call…
The most important thing here is that he gets treatment so we can go back to liking him.
Trump is an asshole scam artist, but I honestly don’t give a shit if these people get paid or not because they chose to perform for the benefit of an odious slimeball.
Man that insecurity is something to behold... you oughta get that looked at.
Maybe it is delicious now?
I looked at facebook once, long ago, and “noped” my way out of there when I realized their idea of security was to hold one’s hands to their ears and go “lalalalala!!!” as loudly as possible.