
Hillary's base of feminists and gay men didn't count on black guys betraying them.

There are other kinds?


Did your brother do a training montage with a wise Asian man and get revenge?

The second season had a huge deficit of butt naked women compared to the first season. Also, the traitor adopted son never had a realistic chance of holding power even if Kublai died.

The AV Club didn't seem to mind the fake news about how Hillary had a 99.9% chance of winning.

That is Seth MacFarlane's new show.

I think he meant central Europeans.

They will just cast more famous old lefties as stereotypical evil Republicans on tv shows.

I hate anyone who ever had a pony!

They were more like Eventually Trumpers.

Nah I love the old EU. Even the silly stuff like Waru and the bickering warlords.

Couldn't they just fight the Emperor's cyclops son, Triclops?

If Trump got Firefly back, he could triple his nerd approval ratings.

Ever since Trump won, Cuban is back to being a little bitch towards him. Sad!

Decent people here?

The family seems to be relatively uncorrupt and simple living. I doubt they are killing random children and blacksmiths like the first Jarl and cronies.

The only "dark magic" was that she was a manic non-pixie dream girl with a hearty womb.

Also because everyone overestimated how much people care about these things.

In the Age of Trump, this is how AV Club gets views.