
The Empire wasn't all bad. You didn't see any giant Fly Men owning slave children in A New Hope, did you?

Judging by the Star Wars movies so far, Disney is run by a white English girl supremacist.

Our sexy times the night before were not long enough for her.

Someone called him Benny from the Block.

Meh. The really cool people were into Suddenly Susan.

Who the fuck ever watched Wings? I knew more people who watched Caroline in the City than Wings.

But the bear has three heads and talks in ebonics.

I like their jizz music.

All of your best info has been negated by Disney. Doesn't that grind your gears?

Watching them crying on the inside is the best.

If it makes you feel better, they would be complaining about President Jeb Bush and all the scary people he was appointing too.

Its BIG LEAGUE. You sound like a damn fool when you say it wrong!
-Old Trump

Waddle Underhischin was my favorite Jedi Master.

Camp Lucas sounds like a blast!

Do you still use a travel agent to plan a vacation?

The greatest hate crime is calling a Latina Miss America who gained weight in spite of her contractual obligations fat.

Adult Swim ran Minoriteam for a couple months, so its not like they are against unfunny stuff.

That schmutz on his head was pretty antichristy.

Also like America, it peaked in the 80s due to cocaine.

They do like lectures from rich Jewish guys.