
I miss the days when all Alec Baldwin was known for was calling paparazzi gay and his daughter a pig.

I assume you are talking about Nixon in your first example.

The AV Club is going after that sweet Daily Kos money.

Those poor, ripped off celebrities! I really feel for them.

There was plenty of dancing on Sarah Palin's "grave". McCain had no real chance, so that's why you guys went easier on him. His past anti-Bush feelings helped too.

They are cowards for running away from the imaginary problems they think Trump will create. Its not that difficult a concept.

Emotional vomit is all they have left.

My respect for Chelsea Handler, Lena Dunham etc. would go up if they would stay true to their promises.

The wolf crying will continue.

Get with the times. Kids are into getting pregnant, butt chugging and voting for Trump now.

Wait until Black Lives Matter Riverdale closes down the Hamburger Shoppe.

Yeah…. I doubt it.

LOL back when the worst thing liberals could be scared of was Mitt Blandney.

It is terribly short and has knockoff koopas and goombas but at least they were trying something new with the stage design.

That was pretty naughty.

This is really striking while the iron was hot 20 years ago!

That hobo? Joss Whedon.

The old Expanded Universe explained it away that the second one was built so quickly (3-4 years) because the engineers knew what mistakes to avoid. I don't know what Disney is going to do with the construction timeline now.

Boo women!

Dumbest part of Phantom Menace by far.