
Pro-tip: if you wish to be left alone, do not do interviews with reporters or sell the rights to your life story (so that your life will be the subject of a book and/or movie).


Just gonna leave this here...

Nancy Grace’s head is going to explode.

I’d give money to a Go Fund Me for that.

That would explain the way Carole talks. She does speak as if she is high a top a pile of money.

I can’t open the clip, so I ask: Sonja is drinking again? How do we know? Is Dorinda still doing rails with the schlumpadink dry cleaner? Does anyone else miss Jules?

It looks awful, but for some reason I still want to see it! I hate myself for wanting to see it though.

Lock him up!

Okay, so, since apparently it’s hard for folks to understand.

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban in their true forms revealed.

Frederick Douglass, fortunately, is still alive and well.

remember when Katherine Heigl left Grey’s Anatomy and was basically like “I AM ON A ROCKETSHIP TO STARDOM, SEE YOU LATER, SUCKERS” and now here we are

Taraji is always happy for other people to win:

He settled out of court. With two different victims. 🤔

How dare you have fun in that place where everybody else is having fun? And then you have the audacity to come home and tell people you had fun, even if no one asked you. What a hipster.

Hmm. I never had that perception. It is smaller, yes, but it is very nice. Maybe it’s the different colored roofs and generally low building height which give you that vibe.

I’ve been to Iceland AND Wyoming.

You can almost feel the absence of melanin oozing from this article.