
Feminism is about giving women the power and opportunity to make their own choices, even if you disagree with said choice.

A person who is all “mixed-up”?


🎶 housewives intro music plays 🎶

Two easy steps to a post-divorce “revenge body”:

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Up the ass. No lube. No spit. No foreplay. Rough. Very very rough.

UK: Wait is this definitely beer?

“It seems unlikely that Boyden will respond further to the questions being asked by many in the Indigenous community.”

To be fair, isn’t the whole awards thing itself somewhat self-indulgent?

Aaaaah, she recently went through two tragedies - the Paris robbery and Kanye’s breakdown and hospitalization. And she just returned to posting obnoxious social media selfies the same week that a promo for her show, in which she exploits those tragedies, airs? WHAT A COINCIDENCE.

If we all just offer up enough Thoughts and Prayers (tm), we’ll never have another mass shooting again.

They hope for. Conspiracies at least double the productive life of these news events.

Mar-a-Lago will become the new capital.

Those salads always look so good

I guess Kim’s emotion chip got an update and she’s testing it out?

But cheap and fake is her brand.

This can’t be actual footage from the show, there’s no clips of them eating takeout salad

Alternatively, it takes a special kind of cynicism to milk personal trauma for fame, attention, and ratings.