
I think its very obvious isn’t it? Money.

fuck you and i is sooooo good

For me, it was because she referred to “MY cast”. It’s obnoxious when actors do that. And the “They do come true!” made me roll my eyes. But I really like Anne Hathaway and will watch her in any movie. I think she’s great.

There’s a lot of stories like that floating out there. She might be a classic “theater kid” but shes apparently a very sweet person. And has had to go through a lot of crap in her personal life.

Remember when Matthew MacConaughey thanked himself, his past self and his future self, and no one else? Why are we not still mocking that? That speech deserved actual scorn.

Yet another example of Amanda stealing something from another woman.

UGH that dress was gorgeous she should have worn it anyway. Instead now every time I think about Anne’s Oscar I think about how bad the darting was on that Prada dress.

she didn’t deserve any of the hate she got. we made fun of her for being thirsty for an oscar when everyone in the industry is. why did she get singled out?

But that’s where America grows its supply of bald eagles.

Hey, Hamas is bad, but let’s focus on the reveal evil out there: Beelzebub Obama and his sadistic desire to give poor americans healthcare...

FUCK YOU JOHN MCCAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look, if you don’t believe anything relating to sex is dirty and evil, you’re not allowed to care about consent.

Too many angry birds upside the noggin I guess.

This logic I understand. I often ask myself, if Jeffrey Dahmer hated boys so much, why did he eat them?

Lady Gaga is a musician. Madonna is a performer. Dismissing Gaga’s musical talent over her (weaksauce) gimmicks is missing out on her serious pipes and musical training. Madonna can’t sing for shit and never could.

My Rogers.com account doesn’t seem to want to load.

I haven’t had any issues this morning, and I’ve been at it for a few hours. I guess I just don’t go to any of the cool websites these days.

Your use of the word hoodrat tells me we’re not gonna see eye to eye on this.