
So very handsome.

I don’t know if weird is the right word. People have lots of emotion and cultural significance around hair and hairstyles. I can imagine cutting off your dreads would be a significant life event.

It’s honestly disgusting and SHAMEFUL that the Kardashians are releasing this information about Kanye’s health/healthcare etc.

First reaction, Yay- female-centric super hero movie, second reaction, another damn super hero movie? PASS.

I’m genuinly surprised that Southern Charm’s Cameran isn’t a Trump supporter.

Probably trying to maximize their 15 mins and pay for the fucking monstrosity of a house.

Teenage me +house party+ too much booze + taxi cab home= me vomiting, but then holding it in my mouth, too drunk to coordinate, I decide to swallow... Vomit some more, get kicked out of said cab. Puking on side of the road while people drive by honking. Fairly certain this was like 9pm too. #shame

I LOVE this show and I’m sad Katherine is being iced out by the group cuz she is FUN as hell to watch on screen.

Probably her regular clothes, she shows up to set and the costume department is like ‘nope, you’re good’.

I honestly really liked Artpop. It’s weird but I like it. I’m looking forward to some country Gaga style because You and I is one of my favourite Gaga songs ever.

Wasting time will be considerably more challenging  this morning...

She just released a clothing line, not sure if this is bad timing or a brilliant strategy.

Oh, I just started this book. Very good so far!

Kim hasn’t publicly commented on the robbery because the Kardashians are milking the daily, hourly publicity from this event.

Ivanka is a beautiful woman, but she’s also had a fair amount of cosmetic surgery to achieve her present look....soooo I wonder if he was this into her 10 years ago.

nose and its way too small for her face now.

Oh yeah, she’s playing dirty. no question.

Yup. To release this statement on a Tuesday instead of the typical Friday “lets bury this please” press release means a)she wants the attention and b) wants to look better than Brad

This is the only scene of the Leftovers that appealed to me. Couldn’t get past episode 1.

My fiancé has an obsession with Along Came Polly. I personally don’t get it.