
Their pricing is also way higher than people seem to think; getting a full meal is at least as expensive as Chipotle at this point, since their actual value meals are far less quantity for your dollar than a Chipotle burrito.

Yeah but think about the kind of people you know that would be willing to actually participate in these surveys. I'm thinking that's where the bias comes from.

Death creeps in through the gums. That's good advice.

I think you're overestimating how much power the president actually has. There are so many moving parts to the economy, and very little that he could have directly done to affect anything. Just like the economy is recovering now, but really what did President Obama do to cause that? Almost nothing. It just kind of

But every man was once a boy, a boy who was, to a lesser or greater degree, forced by the patriarchal society around him to either take on these dehumanizing, damaging attributes or to be denied his manhood.

Yep. Honduras has the highest murder rate of any country in the world, by a really terrifying margin. There are people being abducted and killed there every day.

Honduras has the highest murder rate of any country in the world, and beats the second place by almost double.

I don't know why you are trying to pick a fight with me. I'm not going to engage with you but I am going to email the mods about your call out thread on GT.

But men pay more for a 22 which is a 0 for women. My point was that there are the same number of options on both sides, even if the scale is shifted up a bit for men. And I can't believe that you think I care enough about pant sizes to dismiss you lol

I didn't dismiss anything, so not sure what you are talking about exactly. Let me reframe the situation here though: for women's clothes they offer a 0-20 for one price, and 20-30 for a different price. You are saying that it's not fair because men can arbitrarily upsize their clothes for free. Men's clothes go

That just bizarrely hides the smaller sizes from "regular" and shows 44-48. My point still stands that the women's sizes go much higher than the men's sizes, although I can't even remember why I care at this point.

Gotcha, makes sense. The video and article were talking about drugs to increase desire which seems like a real hard thing to do.

Dumb question: does viagra actually increase sexual desire? I always thought it just kind of forced blood into your junks so that you get an erection. I'm not sure what the equivalent would be for women.

They're not stocking a 48 on the link in the article. If you count as high as the web page goes, then women's sizes go up to 30 which is like a men's 54. Big and tall sizes usually go up to at least 60+. Old Navy does not have men's big and tall.

Also the comparison is weird. The men's jeans only go up to 42, which is much smaller than a women's size 26. They probably also have a "big and tall" version of the mens jeans that is more expensive.

And who gives a shit if it is plastic surgery? People don't have to point it out on every article like it is some kind of amazing insight.

Well apparently it's an urban legend anyway, according to Google. The absentee votes are all counted. Candidates almost always concede before they are counted though.

Umm.... no. The polls are open for three weeks in my area and we had no better voter turnout than anywhere else.

How is that bullshit? It's just math. They only count the absentee ballots if it is possible that they could have changed the outcome. If a candidate wins by 10,000 votes but there are only 1,000 mail-in ballots, then there is no point in even opening them. Very few elections are close enough for it to matter. If

I feel like that sounds a lot more alarming that it actually is. I mean, you only need a small sample of a population to be representative. I guess it depends on what that 2% really means. Is it 2% of all food? If that, then it is actually a lot. Is it 2% of all shipments? That would be a little more alarming.