
Yeah, Charles is showing his ass here. None of this is cultural appropriation in the slightest.

Speaking as an actual Hindu, I thought the inclusion of Hanuman was rad. I also thought I was cool that the Jabari were vegetarians, since Hanuman is vegetarian.

> It is, in the most literal sense of the phrase, cultural appropriation

I’m Hindu, and it felt really good hearing that name in the movie (in a MCU movie of all places)

In the good old days you’d just send a dick pic to your entire contact list...

It is the second one.

Women at all levels get this shit. Though also I’d suspect women in positions of lower authority have more barriers to discussing the harassment they experience due to less job security.

I don’t even know who I can expose my penis to anymore.

There’s a particular glint in the eye they get. My wife is a rabbi and has had all kinds of gross stuff said to her by creepy old guys, “I’ve never kissed a rabbi before.” “I never knew a rabbi could be so beautiful.” Every straight female rabbi I know has had some version of it. Do the creeps go out of their way to

I love scotch, but I think you’re right. It’s not really a cocktail liquor. Not that they aren’t cocktails that include scotch, but they aren’t really popular. Personally, I love the contradictory nature of good scotch, really simple, but also really complex. It’s my drink of choice, but I do like my whisky neat, so...

Look, it’s just all so confusing anymore. No more unwanted shoulder massages. No more slaps on the ass. No more asking a prime minister when she conceived her child. What’s next?! It’s simply getting out of hand. So many rules.

I don’t know many people, in general, who like scotch very much. My boss, who’s actually from Scotland, does, as well as my stepfather’s mother (91 years old). I think scotch is just less accessible than bourbon because we don’t make very many mixed drinks out of it to take the edge off.

except what happens when i get so drunk off of jane walker that i end up using my boyfriend’s razor?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!

Is there some sort of hot pink cigar I can smoke with this ladyscotch? Preferably one that won’t make my hands/face/hair smell like ass for three days, but really it’s the hot pink that is important to me as a female consumer.

And you can write and tell your friends about it with your BIC ‘for her’ pen.

I admit I don’t know that many women who like scotch very much, but I don’t think it has anything to do with there not being a lady on the bottle.

Twelve seconds into the video, I know that look, ugh, what is this perv going to say?

Come on now. Let’s not forget about the sweet sweet release of death.

Jesus fucking christ, there is no escape from skeevy men.