
Oh shit, you cracked the code. They don’t mean less government, they mean literally governing the smallest places.

I’m confused about why this dude is so fucking fixated on weed. It’s always the people who need it the most.

In addition to the horrors you so accurately describe, there’s also the fact that outside of the highest-end genetic labs, there’s a wide range of errors that can easily take place in genetic testing. A significant percentage of studies involving genetic testing ultimately are proven to be bunk because the researchers

In NYC the organizers used to say “It’s a March, we’ll have a parade when we’ve won”

thankfully social media is just blowing up this post. the comments its producing on twitter... so good.

Before the ACA, it was. I paid vastly more than my brothers in health insurance even WITHOUT maternity. Individual insurance was so unbelievably unfair.

And your vagina.

What the actual fuck.

I’m just waiting for the day when having a vagina is a pre-existing condition. Hell they don’t want to pay for pre-natal care, it’s not that big a leap.

And... in case anyone is confused about why we will ultimately need single-payer health care in this country, here it is! Employers, who currently hold the gatekeeper’s position for health insurance for folks under 65, WILL DISCRIMINATE against the potentially less-well as soon as they have the opportunity. The

Small enough to fit in your vein, evidently.

Just like with Sessions saying something about going after states with legal marijuana, hitting them with RICO charges cause weed is against federal law. So now you fuckers are against states rights? Bunch of hypocrites, all of em.

Oh sure, NOW the republicans believe in science

The party of small government, y’all!

Post nothing. My first LA Pride parade was in 1978, when the infamous Briggs Initiative was on the ballot (it failed in part because we turned out in huge numbers). I went in the years when Gay Pride meant a free for all bacchanal and in the years when it was a grave call to action and sometimes felt like a death

Well-made modern multi-tools aside, if it “doubles” as something else it isn’t going to be good at what it’s primarily supposed to do.

Jokes on them! I’ll probably die from pre-existing conditions within a week, unless I’m killed by a dude with a red mohawk and/or a hockey mask.

I still have my 1986, Rambo-branded, survival knife. Whacha gonna do with your silly string when I emerge behind you from a wall of mud and slit your throat? Huh, Katniss? Huh?

Well a swamp provides ecological benefits and has a reason to exist.

You’ll be sorry you mocked him when the apocalypse comes, and you find yourself in desperate need of yards of paracord.