
You could power China for a year by burning all the straw men I’ve seen on FB since the election.

A conservative relative of mine wrote a post on Facebook after the liberal guy who wrote for a left-wing blog was arrested as responsible for some of the bomb threats and wrote how he was laughing at all the dumb Libtards who wished the suspect to be something else. I simply responded “no, libtards like me wished

Counterpoint: He’s always been unhinged but been able to hide it because he’s surrounded by yes men and his temper soothed.

I listen to a podcast Pod Save America and one of the host made a good point that Donald isn’t unhinged or out of control, this is the same Donald that he has always been, it’s just the circumstances that have changed. He now has the weight and power of the US government and military behind him, as well as the

I think an argument could be made that the fact that Trump exists means God doesn’t.

God doesn’t exists, next question.

But these rules don’t work with the Kirk/Riker Laws of exploring the Galaxy: Penis first. The way God intended.

Same here. There is so much hostility to science in the real world, I’m not really able to enjoy these sorts of stories that much any more. A nice exception was Europa Report - still terrifying, but their victory was that the characters stayed true to their mission, and to the spirit of scientific discovery, despite

We need to create something akin to Asimov’s Laws of Robotics for space travelers/scientist/colonists.

So I wasn’t the only one who thought Ryan Reynolds was channeling Dallas.

This is a totally original movie that is nothing like Alien at all.

That said, it honestly does look interesting.

Are there any uplifting and optimistic movies about space travel coming out soon? I feel like the majority of space movies are designed to discourage space exploration.

That would make me want to vote for him more

I don’t want them dead. I want them destitute. I want them foraging in the woods with pointy sticks. I don’t know how this would happen but I REALLY want it to.

This gif has been generally overused, but this is my EXACT reaction when I saw the video of Carson on Twitter today:

I hope all these people die in a fire. I know we say that as an exaggeration mostly, but I mean it. I hope they literally die in an actual fire and it takes fucking dental records to ID them. I don’t have much else to contribute to the discussion.

I know. They have overplayed their hand with Mr. Khan. He is a ivy league educated citizen of 30 years and a Gold Star member. His federal case will be a huge FUCK YOU to TrumPutin and President Bannon. It is shows a abuse of power ( and we all know it does), it can open more boxes.

Relax. I’m on your side.

Gold Star father Khizr Khan, a vocal Trump critic, was reportedly told that his traveling privileges are “under review.” [Politico]