
No worries, then! I already have arms stuck to my hands

*someone who has literally said children belong in coal mines to bring glory to god and that literacy is not a right

You forgot Betsy DeVos for Sec. of Education, someone who has been hostile to public education

Sadly, his transportation pick is one of his better ones.

Reminder: The new head of HUD is Ben Carson, who has no experience in housing or urban development. The new head of Transportation is the wife of the Senate majority leader. AG nominee Sessions has proven to be a very ethically hateful individual, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin is Goldman Sachs in physical form, and Chief

It’s just amazing how many grown voting adults treated this election and Dump like it/he was a romcom where the guy actually changes at the end. There’s a reason that shit is filed under FICTION.

It would be fun if four years wasn’t enough time for the planet to burn to ashes beneath our feet. Or, more accurately, for the inexorable forces of chemistry to be set in motion that will burn the planet to ashes at our feet.

Just so its said, there’s no such thing as an electoral college mandate. He has no mandate. Traditionally that means a president who doesn’t want to be a single termer, has to be willing to compromise even if he doesn’t have Congress. Since we’re in the Darkest Timeline now, I don’t think it will matter to him. I also

Just gallows humor. We are witnessing a radical shift in what “America” means and it is too surreal to fully comprehend. We are fucked. Militarily,economically, socially.

For real. Burn the party down.

This is one of those moments that makes me wonder about democrats...are we stupid? I feel like we might be.

I’ma just sit here and watch Sebastian Stan on loop as the world burns.

But before you scoop your shattered hopes from the dustbin, know that Suprun will not vote—or encourage others to vote—for Hillary Clinton. Rather, he is contemplating Ohio governor John Kasich.

And the backlash will be glorious.

Put. Your. Vote. Towards. Hillary. God. Fucking. DAMMIT.

This dude thought a man who spent his entire campaign being racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic and getting into Twitter wars over every perceived slight really thought being elected President would magically make Trump across like an adult? Riiiight.

Really? Kasich?

Trump supporters really have no clue how intense the buyer’s remorse will be three or four years from now. The last month will look like peanuts in comparison.

He is doing it, but that’s not reason to get your hopes up.