
Whoa, there. He did NOT bankrupt a casino. He bankrupted 3 of them.

He just reversed standing US policy with regards to Pakistan on a whim and is too stupid to even know he did it.

Actually, no. It’s SERIOUSLY FUCKING IMPORTANT to understand what our next POTUS is saying/promising other countries on OUR BEHALF.

Especially countries like fucking Pakistan.

Right! It’s not like that country has nukes or anything.......or hid Bin Laden....or fucked up US supply routes bc they’re douchebags......or continue to inflame tensions between them and India........or refuse to actually do anything about the Taliban or Al Queda that they were hiding in their country...........or

So you haven’t listened to a single speech, interview, or debate by Trump? This is the way he talks. A combination of 4th grade syntax and vocabulary, with the sincerity of a used car salesman.

O RLY?!?

Hahaha, that’s geopolitics for you.

*Shoots air into vein and waits for sweet death.

“Poorly edited”.
It’s not edited. That’s the basis of this entire post.

I am pretty sure Trump has no fucking clue that Pakistanis are Muslim.

The point is that it isn’t poorly edited or translated or re-edited. This is how the next president talks.

Except that he promised to visit Pakistan. Which actually is an important diplomatic act. Obama refused to visit Pakistan to show his discontent with the inability of their leaders to control the Taliban and their continued aggressive acts towards india. Did he consciously mean to reverse long-standing US foreign

Pakistanis are one of the most intelligent people...a fantastic country, fantastic place of fantastic people.

Don’t ruin ice cream for me.

Is it just me or does Trump’s wording sound like a Nigerian scam email?

Also make him take a test to determine if he’s a radical christian.

I’m not sure what’s sadder: the lack of substance or the fact that they definitely cleaned up his prose.

Dollars to donuts this is the exact same conversation he’s had w/ every world leader he’s talked to. My guess is he has his aides hold up poster board with the name of the country that he’s talking about so he doesn’t forget.