
During training, McDonalds provides information to employees on how to apply for social safety nets like SNAP and discounted utilities.

Henry Ford, despite his many many drawbacks, is the perfect model: Build quality product, pay more for labor to reduce turnover and create the consumer class, and then the profits take care of themselves.

The issue here that no one ever seems to want to talk about, in terms of “$15/hr will hurt businesses!” is American capitalism and its steadfast belief that not just the most important thing, but the only important thing, is maximizing profit and, thus, value to shareholders. This is why we have companies with

Did it ever occur to you that even your pay is actually lower than it should be? And that by increasing the minimum wage, it will help to lift all wages across the board, including yours.

You’re one of the people I’m talking about!

Right? There is nothing more “skilled” about working an assembly line than working at McDonalds or in retail. It’s not like being a doctor, or welder, or mechanic. The only difference is that factory workers organized and fought for decent pay, benefits, the five day work-week, ect. And because so many of those jobs

People who want manufacturing jobs to return are not delusional. But people who think Trump will make it happen are.

Rural whites who want a return of manufacturing jobs aren’t delusional to want them to return. It would be great if that somehow happened.

If you’re spending any time on r/all... that’s the wrong way to reddit. I’ve whittled my front page down to subreddits like r/campingandhiking, r/personalfinance, r/nba, etc. It’s a useful tool if you curate it for yourself and I haven’t seen a single trace of r/the_donald all year.

Trump makes everything worse.

I like how rural white that want manufacturing jobs to return are delusional, but people who want $15 an hour for unskilled labor are righteous.

It’s an uplifting name. She’ll float above all the other children. When others react to her unusual name, she’ll remain inert.

I’m all for freedom of religion. Believe what you want. But I’m not going to celebrate a representative of a belief system that tells women that their bodies are intrinsically immodest.

I am not a big fan of pageants, but I think, given that they exist and will probably continue to exist for some while, there’s nothing wrong with using a pageant as a forum to spread a message of inclusivity. A lot of people who watch pageants are probably the same people who have never met a Muslim and only know them

And let’s not forget the silent policing of women’s clothing - too short, too tight, too edgy. I get it. Ugh

And it’s not like what women wear isn’t policed in North America too, from the earliest ages. With school dress codes and endless requirements in work environments and shit.

So, what, you’re just going to decide the meaning of a specific belief system’s accompanying actions without any reference to knowledge or information about that belief system (hint - hijab has nothing to do with women’s bodies being “intrinsically immodest”) and then decide that whatever meaning you just made up

But the thing is that Muslims doing stuff that notable and normal is a big deal, American Muslims are living in country where they know that so many hate them, her being in a pageant is not directed at you but to all the young Muslim women who dealt with hijab being pulled off or being told they are not beautiful. But

She’s a gorgeous young lady and an excellent role model.

Poor guy. He never asked for any of this. He just wanted to go to a debate.