
That is true, but food writing is also about an adventuresome palate. If you think that a lot of foods served at their optimal cook temperature are gross, then there are a lot of things that you’re not going to adequately be able to write about. 


Back in the day, this used to be known as “Dinner Music".

I agree that you should speak with the manager. My suggestion is to ask the server to have the manager come over, and then speak to them in a nice quiet conversational voice while the band is blowing out your eardrums 3 inches away from your dinner.
Make sure to ask questions and gesture a lot while doing this. The

The server should have sent the manager over when there was no table available for them to move to. Then the manager could be proactive in offering some kind of compensation and the server gets to be the hero for it. 

They asked the server for a different table and they failed to get them one so that is reason enough not to tip. Never tip a failure or they will always be failures.

I appreciate your story, and it is awesome to hear (seriously). Your experience probably differs from mine in the sense that by the time patients get to our specialty from primary care, it is because a lot of measures have faltered. (On many of our referrals, patients are well past metformin and a 2nd agent, and

Who says incels don’t have friends or that they don’t enjoy time with family. The thing is though, friends can’t replace romantic intimacy. Otherwise there’d be no concept of marriage and we’ll all be fucking our friends.

For the most part, I agree, but... unless I scarf the whole bowl of oatmeal down and sprint to the sink, it needs a few minutes of being submerged before washing. Why knock yourself out scrubbing portland-cement-like-oatmeal from the bowl? We have the technology. We can get the oatmeal to release willingly.

When using scales, it’s important to try to measure under the same circumstances every time. Like after going to the bathroom, but before having coffee or breakfast. You’ll still get fluctuations, but can plot a fairly good trend.

Most uncool mom ever.

Product of an overbearingly strict household growing up here: your kid will grow resentful of you and will rebel more due to you treating him like this. I have a great relationship with my parents now (I’m 26), but there was a lot of resentment and tension in the high school/college years due to how much they tried to

I don’t know you, your kid, or your situation, but I would be careful of going overly harsh. Back in high school my parents threatened to remove me from the rowing team, and I honestly would have tanked/sabotaged my own life before I let them do that. The point being, if you go too harsh you might just create bigger

As a parent I wanna say that sounds rather harsh. How about a slap on the wrist for a first time offender. I mean, even letting him rat out his own ‘friends’? The poor kid will probably have no life at school until graduation.