
For the last year, I have exercised gradually more from nothing up to 3-4 hours per day now. However, that has not made any impact to my sleep at all. I sure feel better, but I don’t need more sleep, nor do I fall asleep easier.
An hour or two of reading followed by 4 to 6.5 hours of sleep is what I land at, and the

6 1/2 hours is enough for me. Others may need more, and a few less.
What matters the most is that I get quality sleep, including both deep sleep and dreaming.

Sometimes financing is bundled with other things, some that might be valuable like extended service plans. So check the value, and consider whether you really would have bought those extras, or whether they’re just feel-good additions.

As someone very allergic to teatree oil, I approve of this message.
It’s enough that someone takes an elevator with that on their skin before I did, and I get dizzy, then some minutes later I can’t breathe because my throat is constricted, and if it doesn’t subside quickly, an epi-pen is the only option.

pub = bar

I can’t really begrudge parents for bringing children out into the world (they are people, after all)

I have a solution. What if they created a walled off, soundproof area where people could leave their large dogs and small children to play together without adult supervision where they wouldn’t bother anyone who wasn’t interested in dining with dogs or children?

If you think he should get a bullet to his head, it’s not for being locked in a bathroom. That’s a separate issue, and if you can’t keep the two apart, and don’t understand why justice must be blind, you’re more of a danger to society than he is.

Yes, but many of the 80% who live in cities at least sometimes leave the city and major highway corridors, and feel the problem too, just not as often.

Here’s an idea, kill everything that isn’t LTE and repurpose THAT spectrum first.

5G phones will likely see a drop in battery size

While space may be cold, depending on how you measure it, the near vacuum is also a near perfect insulator. Nothing gets cooled by convection in space; radiating is the only way to cool. So once something gets hot, it stays hot for a long time, no matter how cold space itself is.

SimCity (2013)

Is true.

He knows words. He has the best words.
Words that make American grate again.

That 1.5 turbo engine will move the thing without too much effort and return good MPG’s, without being as slow as as a Subaru.

....on another note, why does Subaru have such a great impression of reliability and yet they cannot for the life of them build a reliable turbo engine OR an N/A flat four that will go 100k - consistently - without needing a new head gasket.

Never ever cross one arm over the other.

It depends on whether you have electronic steering (as in most new cars), hydraulic assist steering (assisted, but you may still have to fight it at times), or plain old pinion-and-rack that has to be rotated twice as far with twice as much force as modern steering wheels to make the same turn.
And whether you drive a

When the gap is decomposed without evaluating the probable magnitude of gender effects on the individual control variables, however, that’s intentionally misleading.