
Getting fucked by a man. Specifically GETTING fucked, not doing the fucking himself.

Statik is my favorite PSVR experience so far (which isn’t called Resident Evil VII, anyway). Perfect design and execution of a brilliant idea.

I’ve found Octodad: Dadliest Catch to be fried gold in this area, since it cannily turns EVERYONE who touches the controller into an inept clown for the amusement of the room. It perfectly levels the field, and all of the fun is in flailing about and failing to do anything correctly. Takes the pressure off of the

To add to his accolades, I’ll mention that he was the only funny thing in The House, and that his character on I’m Sorry was consistently dropping bombs which made me rewind the DVR because I was missing lines of dialogue from laughing too long.

They’re two of the most beautiful, charming people on the planet. Of COURSE they’re at least considering pairing up.

I guess I’m a wet blanket, because I’m genuinely mystified at what appears to be unironic praise for Walton’s obnoxious behavior last night. So much airtime chewed up by nonsense instead of the sort of acutely insightful asides and observations Doris Burke always supplies (and occasionally managed to shoehorn in last

Android user here. The wait for this is agonizing.

As a fan of the Zero Escape series, who also enjoyed Oxenfree well enough, AND who is eager to pick up Night in the Woods, this article writes checks I’m pretty comfortable cashing.

That would be nice, but, c’mon. No one is going to remember this in 2020. By then it will be, at best, the 14,953rd most recent blow everyone thinks Trump “can’t possibly survive this time.”

One of the biggest scares I’ve had in a game was in an otherwise nondescript L-shaped hallway in a house in this game. I rounded the bend and the camera perspective didn’t change to show me what was down the hall. Rather than commit to another couple of steps to make that happen, I instead raised my character’s camera

My experience, and lessons taken away, exactly mirror yours. Discovering the show as the first season released on DVD was a magical promise ANYONE would have had a tough time fulfilling, but it’s tough to overstate how flamboyantly its shepherds failed to do so.

What a wonderful story this is. I didn’t realize how badly my heart needed to read it.

I legitimately adore Matchstick Men. Easily my favorite Ridley Scott film after Alien.

I rarely pay attention to or notice player uniforms.

This is brilliant. I roared laughter at the Kojima picture. Love everything about this.

A much-needed laugh. Cheers.

Why am I laughing so hard at this?

One of my favorite photos I’ve been in is from a comic convention in 2013, at which I met Doug Jones. He was immensely warm and friendly and gracious, and when we stood side by side for a photo he spontaneously asked for permission to pinch my cheeks in it.

On one hand, I feel more than a little silly clapping at my screen like I’ve just watched an incredible basketball shot, each of the three times I’ve watched this clip so far.

You watch some very interesting pizza ranking videos.