
Your first sentence made me laugh unreasonably hard. Thanks for that.

Are you high? Best case matchup scenario for these two is the 4-5 in the first round.

The GIF alone makes me tear up a bit.

Angry Jimmy Kimmel is the best Jimmy Kimmel. Love this.

Holy shit. This is MAGNIFICENT.

Well, you’re the one who put me on the Dobie Gillis story in the first place.

This is sublime.

This is absolutely delightful. The sound from the room as they recognized him gave me goosebumps. Thanks for the much-needed and welcomed smile.

(beams with unearned pride)

I need to know how this will impact the schedule for updating their Super Lucky’s Tale walkthrough.

I can’t recall the exact line at the moment, but he unquestionably drops character when a lady matter-of-factly mentions having been choked by a ghost in an episode a few years back. I distinctly remember the feeling of “ah, there’s a tiny glimpse at Oz behind the curtain.”

Oof. Take your star.

Yeah. “Milk.” Sure.

This probably should have been handled in a similar way to how Fred Durst has tried his hand as a film director: by reminding a potential audience of his involvement as little as possible.

Thank the gods. I thought I would scroll all the way down these comments without a single mention of this game, further convincing me that it was some fever dream from my youth.

This is one of my most cherished life memories, and a story I will most certainly tell at my dad’s funeral one day, hopefully far from now.

I’m baffled how I even know this, but that photo is of Tuesday Knight, not of septugenarian film star Tuesday Weld.

I like games. But I’m loathe to identify as a “gamer.” Because the petty worthless shit they will get worked up from is the fucking worst.

“Marc Gasoline” is such a badass autocorrect that I’m now angry that that isn’t his actual nickname.

Goddamn. This guy is walking the walk. I’m impressed.