I think Colin Kaepernick can now sue all the NFL owners for sheer stupidity.
I think Colin Kaepernick can now sue all the NFL owners for sheer stupidity.
He was man humble enough to let his audience sing the songs for him.
Running up the score on a sh-t team like the Washington No-Names is never meaningless.
I miss the simplicity of the Icky Shuffle.
But now you are older, you are free to choose any other NFL team to nitpick over as they stumble to a 9-7 season.
how did someone in Canada end up rooting for the Chargers?!?!
But enough about the beernuts vendors...
Dear Chargers owner:
I still despise this show for ruining the scheduled broadcast of Samurai Jack.
there is a level of insanity to Gotham that makes it enjoyable, not as camp but as black comedy.
Evidence #4799301 that demonstrates basic upgrade to an offensive line can do wonders for an offense.
Gratuitous Miller’s Crossing quote:
oh great we got another Pluto Denier here.
good artwork. Have her work on a replacement MMO for City of Heroes.
/suffering from Tanker withdrawal
“The guns... they stopped.”
“Switch to rear deflectors. Watch for enemy fighters.”
A hooga of Porgs.
No retirement for these frauds. Go straight to jail, do NOT collect any money at all.
It was a Roger Ebert rule: If the movie had Harry Dean Stanton or Emmet Walsh in it, it couldn’t be a bad movie.
Gratuitous “Millers Crossing” quote because that’s not offered up anymore: