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a11 20rt2 0f bu11241T
Geez, the only two purple teams in the league. That's a bad draw.
Little awkward for the Ravens and Vikings.
I'm far from Mr. Tough Guy. But I don't care if it literally got me killed, Grant Hinkle would have quickly been sliding down those stairs on his fucking face.
Cheer for your team. Don't act like an asshole. Simple rules for people to enjoy going to the game.
Reason #1 I'll never go to an NFL game.
Not only that, the officials on the field are supposed to be able to instantly recognize whether the celebration is a legit religious expression.
Judging by the guy who sounds like he's saying " God is Great" I'm guessing it might be a anti ISIS fighter who probably had a hand in destroying the cannon.
Your fractional math doesn't work, either. You can only add fractions once they have the same denominator, which remains the same through the addition. 1/16 + 2/16 = 3/16.
You ever notice people who claim Indian heritage always say Cherokee? I am 0% Native American, but if I were I would claim a tribe that no one has heard of.
"As a Native American"? Are you joking? What are you 1/32nd. As a real Native American who had to deal with the racism, discrimination, hatred, and stereotypes you have no credibility. You obviously haven't experienced who it really is to be hated just because your Native American, to be called a red skin or an injun…
Honest question.
If it's not an important issue, why are you opposed to changing the name?
I mean, if it's not important enough for me to worry about, how is it important enough for you to worry about?
This argument makes very little sense. There are many, many injustices in the world, and there is no rule that we must address them starting with most to least grievous. If so, we fall down this slippery slope to a place where the only thing we are allowed to criticize is murder, or genocide. I mean, it sounds dumb,…
Easy - you make shit up.
Oh dear, you're out of your element kid. The NFL already has rules against racial slurs. The group to whom this name refers consider it a slur, as does the dictionary and most people capable of objective reasoning. Find a slope to slip off yourself.
The NFL, genius, has exactly zero authority to make things "legal" or "illegal". That power resides in the various legislatures of our nation.
Who has made it illegal to say any of those words, moron?
you speak ignorance and prejudice. Yes, it's uncomfortable to know you consider that "truth"
shut up