
Crack pipe. It ain't he same as having an EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle.

Was the worst joke ever heard in a Chinese restaurant.

I have lived and visited places where the traffic is just plain bad.

Ah, living outside the fifth (might as well be the fiftieth the way B'Jing is expanding) ring road makes sense all the time.

Because the website is run by some young guy?

"... one that had cars stretching past the horizon visible from atop a tall building."

Save up on description and details. What a way to economize on words.

They need a hobby that is less dangerous and more calming. Maybe they should take up drinking instead.

If the women don't find you handsome, at least they'll find you handy.

Yeah, I have seen the whole Nissan Skyline GT-R model run up before they went with plain old GT-R. And Toyota Starlets GT Turbos. And a few other strange and interesting oddities.

Now playing

I am still partial to the pre-'72 Beetles with the flat front windshield. The spit window ones just never did it for me — hard to look out the back unless you are into Italian driving.

A cop I knew (we had a lot coming into the restaurant I used to work at) said that once wayyyyy back in response to, "alcohol might have been a factor".

I would ride a motorbike, but my wife won't let me (drivers up here do not respect motorcyclists as much as they do down south of the border).

A fair chunk of my gas is paid by my work place because they need my minivan sized minivan a lot of time times (hauling fence boards, moving photocopiers, moving boxes, delivering large packages, etc.). So it don't bother me too much.

They should have just beat the snot out of him for being a Prius driver.

Yo! What happened? The VTEC just kick in?

PT Cruiser Special Editions can be an argument starter for sure.

Most likely a PT Cruiser.

Yeah probably, but he ought to be proud of himself for getting this far in life... you know, fetal alcohol syndrome is a bad thing.

My Dodge Caravan (2005). It was just a little above the base and not high enough to get the DVD player, second zone A/C, and leather. I got my money's worth out of it and it is still running with no major mechanical problems (so far, transmission and engine haven't blown up). The air conditioning still blasts out