
Not sure... I thought it was the ONtario Teacher's Pension fund that were the part owners... I'll have to google that to make sure. Either way, it doesn't bear mentioning as the Leafs are the worst team around and the most profitable.

I have to agree, Ocean side just seems more relaxed. And grainy.

Been to Orlando, Panama City, Tampa, Gainesville (why, oh why?!?!?), Key West, Port and Cape Canaveral, Daytona, Indian Rocks, Flagler, Ormond, St. Augustine, Sarasota, Cocoa, Fort Lauderdale, and a few parts that were famous for something about sponges.

I never tire of that GIF.

Probably not. Wishful thinking though. No doubt Thelma will be back behind the wheel of a car again veryyyyyy soon.

Camry? Check.

So this is just an exercise in the consolidation of brands? AVON is for sale too...

Yes they were flush with cash and had to buy out a former owner that was flush with cash so Audi could compete with BMW.

Why did Audi buy Ducati?

Oh yeah, one more thing. I ranted about this one before. Steering racks. Don't do them yourself as they are hard and require tools. And expertise. Otherwise, you get a car back where the steering wheel has to be held turned 5 degrees or so from dead centre.

Ball joints. Seriously. That knock, knock, knocing noise when you turn the steering wheel means something is wrong.

Watch the, "In the Actor's Studio" episode with him. Hollywood is scary business. He needs to come back and do something.

In all honesty, if the powers that be had cast either Tracy Morgan or Dave Chapelle, it would have been funnier and Seinfeld would have met his match.

Okay, I will admit that the Dodge Colt with the Mitsubishi engines were near bullet proof (we had a used Colt as one of the delivery cars), spacious, and pretty good one the gas, but not at a $9,000 price.

I am not sure about this, but does insurance cover stupidity?


Meh. No big deal here. That is just a picture of traffic in Shanghai, China (you can tell it's Shanghai... in Beijing the cars don't move at all).

And if you really want it to burnout, put the bicycle wheel up front in the back.

AND there you go ruining what was turning out to be a nice day. Thanks. A. Million.

A coyote? We don't like them around where I live. They eat small dogs and cats...