Gives a whole new meaning to, "shotgun pipes".
Gives a whole new meaning to, "shotgun pipes".
Yeah, I like the suicidal idiot at the 2:00 mark going all Canadian like on the driver's ass...
Careful, any good and wise wife knows the old saying, "Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital."
This is a daredevil. A suburban daredevil. Pastrana's just a no good, low down poser with no skills or moxy...
Shhhhhh... it is call deceptive marketing. Ooops, I mean poor writing.
Uhhhh... prove it.
Yeah, but then that would make for bad marketing and everyone knows that statistics are like a drunk with a lampost: used more for support than illumination.
And are you admitting to something?
Car? I see brands of cars. Maybe the title of the article ought be editted to reflect that because it can only add to confusion. Here I am thinking about cars to fill in the CAR part mentioned and all I get is...
Well, the heart thing does it, but at this point, I doubt that anyone else would see or notice it in the sea of articles and commentary. It just reinforces that fact that marketing and advertising can slap you upside the head and you never notice it.
Nah, this was for a simple BMW. The Colourful car would have sufficed better, plus with those lights and a pair of sunglasses, it would scare any bad-do'ers into not wanting hte black one to come out.
Those cops were driving the wrong car.
This video leads me to believe that Mad Max was nothing more than an Australian fairy tale as mean ass drivers do not exist in Aus.
Simple, send him to Queenstown, Tasmania. Even the Aussies i know don't like it there... in fact the residents of Queenstown dislike it even more.
I can safely say that there are a lot worse things out there than dragons.
I like it. A lot. That would be sweet to tool around in, but I would have to do something about the blacked out windows... it's just not me. That and maybe some floor mats.
And for those Hybrid drivers, an electric shock?
I'd get her another car too. We're both kind of timed for it anyways right now as both cars are hurting. When we got married, I convinced her that driving a car to the ground and it ready to fall apart rather than chase a new car every three years was the thing to do anyway.
Good imagination. For a crack pipe.
Everyone has to put out an SUV I suppose. Cadillac, Lincoln, Porsche, Inifiniti, Lexus, Acura, and BMW. And Mercedes, but they had one already...