~The AV Club?
Good thing they passed on the enormity of having to recreate such iconic characters! This is precisely why there was never a sequel to Casablanca.
“you grow out of all of the songs you love at 16" is indicative of that one ‘too cool and wise’ phase people go through in their 20s where what they loved at 16 seems hopelessly uncool. Then in your 30s you realize that liking only what’s ~cool~ is limiting and really not fun.
Another superb closing line that means nothing out of context is Kidman’s perfectly delivered “Fuck” at the end of Eyes Wide Shut. It took me so off guard the first time seeing the movie and it’s genius.
Anyone know when Black Widow will move to the free tier of Disney+?
Won’t someone think of the snobs?!!
I would’ve gone with the headline “This Is Us says ‘This is it,’” but to each his own.
Coming soon... Jason Statham in Macbeth.
From what I recall, there was a significant chunk of Cap’s “re-assimilation into society” story cut out of the first Avengers movie. I think he was supposed to be Whedon’s audience POV character, and those scenes were in support of that.
I realize Joss Whedon is an un-person now and is Always Bad All The Time, but I hardly think he needs to be dinged because Captain America is explored in less depth in the AVENGERS films than in his solo films. I suspect that’s merely a screen time thing.
This article is just about as angsty as every teen thing you despise.
Please tell me when that was - or was that when only one identity really 'mattered'?
Some of you need to realize that sometimes you can just shut up and respect someone’s opinion, especially if they are much closer to the experience. I might have quibbles with this and I might love Silence to death, but maybe respect a trans person’s views on trans issues and just shut up.
I worked as a camera assistant for a time. Basically, you have to work a crap load of non-union jobs before you gain admittance to the union (IATSE). Those non-union jobs are pretty horrible. They will grind you into dust and if you are lucky, you get paid for the supplies that you used on set. Everyone works to go…
And Charlie Day always gets stuck doing Charlie work.
What is the “general public?” If the “general public” is going to see all the movies, I’m pretty sure that makes them “fans.” By “fans” are you referring to some weird subset? Like guys that live with mom, play 20 hours of video games per week, buy little Thor and Black Widow action figures, read comic books, and tell…
Frank describing dogs taking a shit followed by Charlie imitating it perfectly is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in quite awhile.
Sara: “I have faith in you.”
It's because he's so small and light, like an ant. I heard he fell off the Burj Khalifa 4 or 5 times when they were trying to film the stunt for Ghost Protocol, but they'd just put some more sugar cubes at the top and he'd scurry right back up to try again