
I figure that's what Molyneux wants to explore with this "experiment"... how will someone handle being given the power of a God, and how will the people subject to the whims of this God react to it?

In my opinion, the use of "intrinsically" in this case implies that the "God" in "Godus" will be the guiding force for the ongoing game decisions in the game - if the God is meant to be the inherent moral compass for game decisions, it stands to reason that he'll be expected to make continued input into the game.

My interest certainly waned after the redesign, but I still am likely to pick the game up and have some fun with it (I will wait on a price drop, though - but to be fair I wait for a price drop on every game).

I agree that this is probably not a full-time job, but I argue that it's an all-the-time job. It'll be pretty interesting to see if this experiment works or blows up in 22 Cans' face.

Nope, it's probably even worse. Imagine being told you are supposed to "intrinsically decide" the rules for a game that is played world-wide in all time zones. Gamers expect to have responsiveness in their games, so how do you think they'll react to someone who only operates on their own timezone with the failings

So... Curiosity was a job application process? Now some guy who clicked a cube is tasked with, and expected to, make major game decisions for 'Godus'?

Mama said there'd be days like this.

I went down to Montana for an Amazon order and was there for about an hour, and the Canadian border guards were a little suspicious why I'd be in the States for only that long... until I showed them the Amazon box of video games and my bag of American chocolate bars from the Albertsons. Not really worth the trip, but

That's about 2100 miles away, but thanks for the invite!

End boss?

Man, you Americans get some great video game deals. Best Buy Canada also has Halo 4 on sale..... for $39.99 - the regular price for the game from Best Buy US. Woo!

"Take it from your old pal Chuck Yeager - the X-1 is fan-fucking-tastic."

Yikes, it's like the opening to a sci-fi movie.. right before they show how TERRIBLE everything really is and everything starts exploding.

Yeah, I can't play Doom 3 either. I loved Doom & Doom 2 when I was much younger, though. It's weird.

I've tried, I even bought both games in order to try to force myself to play them and had to trade them in! I kept screaming at my television in fear. It's just not in me. I love tense games and horror movies, but horror games.... nope!

I've never even made it completely through the demos for Condemned 1 or 2. I keep trying every few years, before resigning myself to the fact that I can't play scary games.

Ha, you may be on to something/

It's crazy how the jump from Xbox/PS2 to Xbox 360/PS3 in only 4.5 years had everyone up in arms about how the generation jump was way too fast and was going to burn out consumers... and now everyone is lamenting how long the current consoles have been around. There really is no pleasing people!

I did some more grinding and tried again at around Ego 250, taking my time and refining my loadouts... was still a slog but I got through it with much less trouble.

I'm (mildly) surprised Call of Juarez Gunslinger is a download-only title.