With-a-G is back to not having anything written after his username

Really shows its Altima roots. I like it.

“Oh, man D, ...”

No one will convince me that my 400 kph El Camino is a mere fiction.

If they had called it F5, that would be refreshing.

*Yawn.* That’s only what, like 100 stock NA Miatas?

I always thought they had to drill anchors for these lifts and I have a post-tensioned slab so that’s a no-no. Is this really free-standing with no modifications to the floor?

The former. That’s why I cited his vindictiveness.

He used the words “I was deposed,” not “I resigned,” or “we parted ways,” or other such softer language. With as vindictive and ruthless as he is, I’m calling it right now that F1 as an organization has some surprising difficulties coming it’s way.

Possibly. But he does mean “Deer God”

Jason, I love you man, but you’re just wrong on this. Give it a rest.

Yep. Autocross-ready rubber is “all-season” here.

If they don’t even have time to write a one-sentence summary or rationale for each choice, then, my guess is: No, they don’t have time for that.

A year ago, things seemed very different.

bubububububububut tenths of laptime!!!?!?!?

Holy crap, Jason, is reality itself being dictated by your headline-writing imagination?

This is why the Democrats lost.

I just got this myself too. They (Humble) say there is more than 1 day left on the sale though.

“Keys are temporarily exhausted for this product”
