With-a-G is back to not having anything written after his username

Mmmm. Pork chop sandwiches!

Sure but he said “rally drivers,” not “great immortals.”

Spoken like someone who spends a lot of time composing various apologias riffing on the theme that “it is so a real Mustang GT!”

Yup, came her to post this, but the answer is so obvious, I checked first. You get a star-click.

One of the most impressive bits in Countdown to Zero Day was the notion that the “non-kinetic” means of cyber war are now (thanks to pervasive SCADA systems) capable of performing kinetic damage, and this capability only looks to be increasing.

Alright. Name one crazy that isn’t genius.

Turbine power confirmed.

I’m pretty sure it was their pinnacle, even if the 69-70's are still the top-dollar collector cars. It was still “peak engine,” I think you had 5 V8 options for most of their cars, and the emissions controls were just barely there to knock a couple HP off the historical highs. The fuselage styling that had begun with


If anyone has access to a time machine, please use it to go back and right the wrong of Subaru never making an STI Baja....

I listen to Futility Closet, both with and without the kids (which is an all-too-rare feature of media these days). The true stories and mysterious happenings they describe are very compelling and always well-researched. There is usually a human interest hook of some sort that can enchant any or all of my kids, and

(via Fox News Insider, a publication I don’t normally read but which Patrick George, our esteemed Editor-in-Chief, sent me, probably because he only reads the most minor of Fox News publications, which explains a lot about our site.)

You know, Martin Brundle said that... the... 190E... best...

From exterior looks alone, it’s kind of an Americanized Toyota Land Cruiser.

The fishie ought not be anti-racer.... This trustworthy source says,


Those first three paragraphs had me hopeful for some intelligent nuance from the politically hyperreactive Gawkerverse, but alas, it quickly degenerated into the same old same old.

I’d still rather have a bored, stroked, cammed, tweaked, and whatever else AMG-based powerplant than the kindling they put in Lambos.

the Ferrari 599 looks weird