
Humble brag bullshit. Try being a dark skinned, Black woman with short, kinky hair and Sub-Saharan, West African features and not get a nibble in the dating world. To have articles published in national magazines about why you are the most useful desirable creature on the planet. To have folks base their rejection of

Then you must have been hermetically sealed till right now.

And then they get all in their feelings if we claim her. “SHE’S BIRACIAL! HER DADDY IS WHIIIIIIIIIITE!” It’s like they think being Black is inferior and an insult. Hmm...

I think a lot of these folks want Black people to chase after mixed folks and then get all tingly when mixed folks reject us.

Meghan doesn’t want to be Black and folks are just taking her at her word. What do you want from Black folks? Do y’all want to be claimed or not? Pick one.

Okay! When Black people are free, then it will be utterly unproblematic for whomever to claim whatever.

If that’s new to you then you must have been hermetically sealed till right now.

When the fuck are y’all NOT?

You are arguing way above your intellectual pay grade. Stop it.

This is why White people don’t need to be adopting Black kids. I swear, you all see using and our kids especially as pets.

Your Black ass just said “social justice warriors?” Boy, bye. Oh and by the way, Trump and his ilk don’t love you, no matter how much you suck up to Whiteness and devalue Blackness.

Hope they aren’t girls who look too Negro.

So you’re not just a fetishist but colorstruck as hell too.

There’s also the racist, misogynoirist shame over having to apologize to inferiors, ie. Black women.

On the 1 and the 3?! Those are whole numbers! You talkin’ ‘bout square roots and pi!

Thank you! And good luck finding one if you’re a person of color with issues surrounding or stemming from being one in a White supremacist society. The vast majority are White and damn near all of them have the cultural competency of toe fungus. Imagine coming to get help from depression due to racist/sexist

So testosterone must have given him wandering dick. It also makes men rageful and abusive. Castrated male animals behave better. Should we start lopping off balls?

Look at you lie like a typical WW.

For real! So now he’s going to use dark-skinned Black women to wipe his dick on until the next Becky feeds him a line he swallows whole.

It’s using the Karl Rove Teabagger method of “argumentation.” One demands proof of the obviously factual and then dismisses, ignores it once it’s given. The goal is to frustrate the sane, intelligent, and educated and make us give up.