
Because y’all throw our Black ass under the bus, back up the bus and roll over us again CONSTANTLY.

“I’m not upset about Black America’s participation in the struggle for rights of other minorities, they, we don’t need Black Americans to fight their, our battles. I’m upset when you set yourself apart for the rest of us.”

Because plenty of non-Blacks and Black immigrants come here with anti-Black and anti-Black American attitudes that they act on and vote with.

And then y’all voted for Reagan. Quit frontin’.

Preferably right between Satan’s shitty, farty asscheeks.

We get it. You’re going to sit on your privilege and not do a damn thing.

And White women shit on Black women who date/marry White men. Next.

Well, she already hated Black women to begin with.

I’m married to a White man and have had White women flirt with him openly in front of me thinking they could snatch him simply by being White. When he wasn’t at all interested, they accused him of being gay or somehow “deviant” because he loved and was attracted to my Black self and not them. I’ve even had White women

And probably treated Black women like shit. I bet she and her dude bonded by trashing Black women.

We’re not going to Mammy you through this. Get on or get off.

Y’all didn’t take time “to really dig in and understand” the stats when everyone, including Dan Savage, accused Black voters of killing prop 8 in Cali, but we gotta do stats to relieve y’all of the burden of any responsibility for your shitty ass actions. Pffttt!

Basically, “My privileged, lazy, White ass ain’t gonna do shit but rake in these goodies!”

I feel so sorry for your Black “friends.”

40% seems HIGH to you? To me, and my Black American experiences, it seems low as hell.

Did anyone get that whiff of “Black people got this poor boy in trouble with all their rabble-rousin’?”

It means things are even more not-safe for the people who are their targets.

“That’s basically all you need to offend someone’s WHITE sensibilities in the US, apparently.”

“It’s assumed that WHITE kids can empathize more with animals than other human beings.” Fixed that for you.

You aren't old enough to drink anything but YooHoo. Go out and play kickball or something.